So…today I noticed my fiancé took a pair of sneaks with him when he left for work. Mind you it’s Friday. I told him before when I noticed a pair of sneaks were missing that I don’t like it. I feel like he’s trying to hide when it’s no need. I need y’all advice.
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It’s just sneakers . Sneakers are comfortable. Maybe after work he just doesn’t wanna wear work shoes and would like to change into comfortable shoes after .

@evelyn That might be true 😂 but he wear the same work boots to work. He didn’t take sneakers with him yesterday.

Not everyone takes sneakers with them everyday when going to work . I work in food service and sometimes I feel like going home in my work clothes but sometimes I don’t . He’s literally just being a person atp

Has he ever done anything before that makes this seem suspicious?

@evelyn Yes, he did this before on a Friday.

As in sneakers? I think you’re overthinking this a lot . My husband has to wear work boots everyday but sometimes wants to take them off after work so he will bring other shoes .

Yeah that’s not what I mean by has he done something that would make this seem suspicious. Besides just owning a pair of sneakers that he has decided to bring with him like has he actually done anything to make you mistrust him besides have sneakers . Has he cheated? Has he flirted with other girls ?

@evelyn We had an argument like the end of June or the beginning of July I think. It was a Friday and he went and got a haircut and went to go get a different shirt. I was like wtf. That same Friday he got in late and he was highly intoxicated.

@Grace He never took sneakers because he knew he was going out after work?

I understand where you’re coming from but it just sounds like he’s decided to start enjoying his weekends since he works a 9-5 doing manual labor . Nobody wants to go out to a bar with the boys or even by themselves in a shirt they just finished working in . And as far as a haircut it seems like most people tend to get paid on Friday so it just would make sense to get a haircut on a Friday after work and change his shirt before going out to enjoy some alone time .

He doesn’t really go out after work . He might stop somewhere on the way home. Usually he brings them when he works in mud or snow and his socks end up wet and uncomfortable .

@evelyn Oh ok. Well yeah that does make sense. I guess I am probably overreacting a bit. 🥴

@Grace Oh ok. That makes sense.

Why not ask him ?

@Jody I didn’t want him to feel like not tf again 😂 because we had a whole argument a couple weeks ago and we talked things over.

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I would suspect he’s cheating as well. But maybe because my ex was a serial cheater. Keep a close eye on him. Put a tracking device in his car.

@Billie Jean I feel like if I gotta do all that. I’m out the door. 😂

Well it’s better to find out for sure before leaving. But I feel u

@Billie Jean That’s true

Like, what time does he finish work and what time does he get home? If he's going out after work does he tell you? Was he wearing the sneakers when he got home?

Why is him taking a pair of shoes such an issue? And you got mad at him for changing his shirt after a haircut? Hair is itchy when it’s on you, I’m a hairdresser so I know. I change straight away after a day of work. This definitely sounds like a you problem.

Reading your post and comments it sounds like you are being controlling. People get hair cuts and new clothes like I’m not sure why you would think anything from him taking care of himself. A lot of men don’t take care of themselves so you’re lucky. I think you should seek out therapy to discuss your feelings. We all need therapy, but if you’re reacting like this because he wore different shoes, got a hair cut and a new shirt, that’s a little much.

@Ella During the week he’ll sometimes get off early. This Friday he got done at 10. No, he doesn’t tell me. That was my issue. When I came downstairs last night he already had his shirt and sneakers off. I look at his eyes and can tell he had something to drink. When we talked in the morning I told him if he feels he wanna go out what’s so hard on him just communicating that. He said he didn’t go out he just mellow down outside of his job and had a couple of drinks. I was like ok. You couldn’t communicate that. Because when I go out with my girls he constantly on my ass.

I think it's totally reasonable for him to let you know what time he'll be home/if he's coming home straight after work or not. This isn't about shoes, it's about a lack of respect and communication.

@Ella absolutely

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