Would you be annoyed?

My partner reports to have pain on his legs every single day. He’s off work and is thinking he cannot return. He had dr appointments following his scans. They all told him he can work, and does not need surgery. However he is still Complaining the pains gone worse since last scans so he is waiting for more scans. I just came back from a very hard day of work and he is still complaining about the pain. I totally get that it’s disturbing him, but I feel like It’s getting a bit too much. I feel sad that I am starting to get annoyed at him for venting. But I have pains and I hardly ever mention it. I just feel like it’s a bit too much and it’s getting to my head. Am I being untreatable ?
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Honestly, I think you should definitely let him voice his frustration with his pain, but maybe mention you understand how he feels because you also have pains... you're his partner and telling him you're annoyed by that could cause him to recluse and possibly shut down. Just because you tend to hold things in doesn't mean everyone else has to. And I couldn't imagine telling my partner to hush about his pain getting worse then later finding out it really was, and I didn't believe them especially when the healthcare system is so fucked ... idk I think you should sit down and have a talk with him about when it started and how it's been progressing and what he wants to do if he's not able/wanting to go back to work and how that may effect the whole family. Communication is so important in times like this.

@Christine but what if we already have spoken about the same thing’s you mentioned almost every day? How it started, how it’s been progressing, how it feels now, and what we can do to help it. But it’s the same everyday. I am in fact holding things not because I want to, but because i don’t want to put extra burden on him too. I do occasionally mention, but not every single day. The system is defo bad, but he has spoken to two different consultants who say similar.

It's hard to be in constant pain. He's not being annoying on purpose. He needs a diagnosis because something is obviously wrong.

maybe float him suggestions like adding compression socks into daily attire! Idk what kinds of pain he’s saying he’s experiencing but I mean, going off the very basic knowledge of ‘leg pain’ my simplest suggestion would be telling him to TRY some over the counter solutions if he’s so certain or concerned something is wrong 🫡 wishing yall the best

@Ella yes, and according to the doctor the MRI he had doesn’t fit with the symptoms he is mentioning. So now he requested for more MRI’s. And what happens to my mental health if I am dealing with everything? Who takes care of me if I’m taking care of everyone’s needs?

@Parker I already do, but he doesn’t want to take pain relief. He says it’s not very bad that he needs it. I think this is what triggers me too. As for compression and other tools, he has them and uses it occasionally

Wait he says the pain is "so bad he can't work" but "not so bad he needs any painkillers at all" That sounds fishy....

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