My turn ❤️

So was due August 2nd but he decided to come July 22nd he didn’t even wait for me to be fully dilated 😭 back ache at 7am contractions 5 minutes after he was here at 12:18 pm Ezra connor Wilson my gorgeous little boy ❤️❤️
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He’s beautiful, congratulations ❤️

👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 congratulations!

@Barbara @Alice thank you lovelies ❤️❤️ honestly won’t be doing it again for a while I want more but my body struggled and I still am I tore with my first and I tore a lot bigger with this one xx

Congratulations!! I’m curious was the back ache a period type ache or did you know? Sounds silly but with my first my waters broke then had horrible pains but for some reason this time round any new pain I get I think it’s labour 🙈

Congratulations Deanna 🥳👏🏽🤍!! He’s so beautiful!!!

@Sarah the back ache was just a constant dull ache in my lower back hurt like hell and just wouldn’t go away got back into bed even with moving wouldn’t go away then the contractions came full swing I had no warning 🤣

@M 🤍 thank you lovely if you message me I can answer your question from my post about the whole thing happened xx

@Deanna will do xoxo

Aw congratulations 🥰🩵🩵🩵

@Clodagh thank you hun

Beautiful 😍 congratulations hope u both doing well xxxxx

@Charlene thank you hun I tore but doing well stitches seem to be healing well so we will see how long they take this time I tore with my first as well x

Ouch 😩.. i torn with my first i had lovely pain free birth with her as i was so high on gas and air it went smoothly but then when they had to stitch me i felt pain. My 2nd was rough as had be induced cord was wrapped round his neck and no pain relief givin till i was 7cm dilated pure agony!! Hoping this 3rd will be quick n easy 😔🤞 … take it easy and warmish baths helped me if there disolvable stitches they will jus fall of when there ready .. all the best 🥰 xxxxx

@Deanna its been 10 yrs since last had my child an kind of forgotten lol sorry.. but last nite been gettin like cramping pains cudnt sleep on side like i normally can but finally went an got some sleep but again this morning its come back im 39 wks did u start of lik this? Pains are uncomfortable and feels lik strong uncomfortable cramping iv been gettin alot of lightening crotch too 😩 x

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