2 under 2 - getting scared

So my first was born in January 2023 and my second will be born in October 2024, I have been through all the motions. At first really scared and upset as I wanted a larger age gap, to settling in the positives. Two boys so they’ll have a best friend for life. I’m 29 weeks now and STRUGGLING. It is so hard. My family have been God sends otherwise I don’t know how I’ll be doing it. My son is ill now and I’ve got the third trimester woes, and it’s making me scared now for 2 under 2 because I have no energy and it’s making me short tempered, How will I cope with a sick toddler and a new born if that happens. If you’ve had/have 2 under 2 and can give me some tips and encouragement. I would truly appreciate it x
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I have my Jan 2023 baby and a 4 month old 😅 2 under 2 was always the plan for us. In my opinion being heavily pregnant while looking after a toddler was the hardest part. When you see how sweet your oldest is with the baby you’ll be so glad you’ve done it this way 🤗

Following as I’m due our second in September and feeling all the feels too!! x

I have a January 2023 and due an October 2024 too, I’m so scared as my first is such a mummy’s boy and gets jealous when my attention is shared 🙈

No tips but same boat... 31 weeks and it's so hard 🥲

I'm due to have my second boy in November (planned) it's definitely going to be hard work but I'm looking forward to it. Just think you did it with your first so you got this Mama also it's good you say you have support from family. I don't have a support network close by. Being pregnant whilst looking after a toddler is hard work though.

I have a baby in dec 2021 (boy)and then Jan 2023 (girl)There’s 13 months between them. The hardest was being pregnant and looking after a baby. Once baby arrives it does get easier. My boy wasn’t really interested when my daughter came for the first 4/5 months so it was quite easy. The hard part is when they get bigger and they are arguing over toys lol. Don’t get me wrong it is very tiring but if you have support u will be fine. I done it alone and we are all still alive lol. Don’t stress and over think it. When baby comes make baby adjust to the routine you already have. U got this!!

I feel ya! I have a Jan 23 baby, due in September and a 3 years old! We have no family or support around so no time off from the kids. And we both work full time!! These last few months have been HARD!! But I keep telling myself it will be worth it

@Shannon awwww wow! You’re strong! 🥹 I was hoping that pregnancy and having a toddler was harder so thanks for the reassurance xx

@Lucy it’s tough right! 😢 x

@Amy awww so many of us! The time division is so scary. My son would crawl back into the womb if he could

@Nicole yeah that’s a positive actually, this time I know what to do with a baby, that part im looking forward to doing now with ‘expertise’, All the best with yours xx

@Bella awwww well done! 🥹🥹 I’m loving the reassurance that now is the hardest part. How did you find dividing your time. For example if you were feeding the baby and your toddler started crying or wanted something? x

@Savannah oh wow! And look at me complaining. You must be superwoman. Yeaah it’s true, knowing what their bond will be makes me all emotional.

I have January 23 baby and my second baby was born June 24,it wasn't planned and it is hard to be honest.No family support at all. Especially if my older baby needs attention and you breastfeeding or looking after new baby.Your older baby can get jealous, you need to make sure you will give equal attention. No sleep as well,emotions running high. It will get easier as baby will get older or you will find routine. It is definitely worth it,but it would be easier with family help

Tbh I just multitasked. If I was feeding baby and the other wanted something I would just carry her around with me. I got them to match nap times so I could either clean or nap too. Now they are a bit older 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 one doesn’t nap but we use that time as us time for me and him. It’s hard to divide urself fairly but it’s something u have to just deal with. I’m raising 3 kids alone and working full time bits hard but I just kno that when they are older it will be better

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In the same boat !!

My little boy is just the same! He’s so clingy to me and it does worry me but people have been telling me he will just adapt 🤷‍♀️ we are also having another boy so like you I’m thinking they will be best friends for life and we will be thankful for a small age gap once we’ve settled into a new way of living!

Pregnancy with toddler way harder! I have five month old and 19 month old and they are the cutest together, they are both laughing together so much! Baby is so entertained all the time so it helps

@Zuzana awwww Kudos to you for getting through! I look forward to when I’m back in a routine 🥲

@Anna awwww this makes me smile! x

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