Sleep or lack of it

Someone help me before I go insane or die from sleep deprivation! I just don’t know what to do anymore My son was sleeping fairly well up until aboot 2.5 weeks ago.. he was only waking once in the night for milk (he’s never been a fan of big bottles or food so he gets hungry around 3am) which was fine as he’d taken a bottle and go straight back down in his cot. Then he went into hospital for quite a major operation on his kidneys due to a condition he was born with. Obviously the hospital was louder than he’s used to at night and he was being monitored 4 hourly etc so he started waking 3-4 times a night, sometime settled with milk and other times just a cuddle and his dummy. We came home 3 days post op and since then he’s been awful! He wakes every half an hour to an hour all night every night… I’ve ended up downstairs with him because I don’t want him to disturb the rest of the house so I’ve let him sleep on the sofa and I’ve just sat up all night watching him. He goes down fine at bedtime, takes his milk and falls asleep on our bed and then I put him in his cot but as soon as I go to bed, it’s like he senses it and then he’s up and down all night! I’m at breaking point now, like I’m so physically and mentally exhausted I just want to stay in bed all day everyday which isn’t possible with 4 other kids to care for during the school holidays 😴😴 I’ve got a mattress topper coming for his cot to see if it’s because his mattress is too firm, it’s not down to pain from his operation as he’s fine during the day and has 1 good 3-4 hour nap or 2 1.5 hour naps. I know they go through regressions etc but none of them have been this bad! I can’t carry on like this, he’s now currently asleep on the sofa again… so I’m going to try and move him back to his cot but I’m not hopeful that he’ll stay asleep long. Sorry for the long post, just a tired mama struggling to function anymore 😴😭 pic of my little monster who looks like butter wouldn’t melt 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Just a note to say we’ve lowered his cot to the bottom setting as he’s now sitting and trying to pull up to stand so it wasn’t safe on the higher setting anymore and I don’t know if that’s part of the issue as he’s a lot lower than our bed so he can’t really see us where as before on the higher setting he could see us next to him. He’s still in our room with us as we don’t currently have a bedroom for him until we’ve had a loft conversion done and I don’t want to put him in his sisters room as he’ll then be waking them all the time xx

Bless you both having to go through this 🤍 have you tried shortening his naps? What’s the length of his wake window before bed? It could be a regression mixed in too. Is co-sleeping an option? Just what springs to mind so i’m sorry if it’s no use! X

Sending love, sleep deprivation is really hard and must be even harder with other children to look after! 3-4 hours, particularly 4 is an awful lot of day sleep for a baby of this age. We found 2-2.5 hours was the sweet spot before it affected night sleep. Very frequent waking can be caused by low sleep pressure ie baby just isn’t tired enough to stay asleep. I’d defo stick to 2 naps as baby is quite young to be on just one nap and not get over tired before bed. Hospital would have been very unsettling for him so it may just be he also needs some extra reassurance through the night especially if with the cot dropping as you say he can’t see you as well now! 9/10 months can also be a rough time for sleep generally so could also be a mixture of these things. I hope you get some more sleep soon xx

You are doing amazing!!!!! 🤩 Sleep deprivation is hard. I would say cut the naps. My lo has 30-45 mins nap 1. Nap 2 1.5 hours. Then goes to bed at 6:30/7. We also have had a hospital stay x

My littles ones naps are just like @Kerry above and she sleeps through the night. Around 2/2.5 hours of sleep in the daytime across 2 naps.

Poor you and poor baby. Can you ring surgeon check his post op pain relief is enough? I had 2 surgeries and it alwahs hurted me more at night. He may be feeling super scared after all that. If it's coincided with the 8 mo sleep regression that one didn't last more than a few weeks for us. Lots of peekaboo all day as it sounds like he's anxious of you not being there?

Sorry ladies, I’ve not checked the app in a few days.. Ive tried reducing the day time nap/s to see if that helps but it does, and if anything because he’s them over tired at bedtime he takes longer to settle and go down. I spoke to our hv at his review last week and mentioned his 3-4 hour nap and she said it’s unusual at this age but not unheard of and if it’s what he prefers then let him. That being said, it’s not everyday as some days we are out and about all day and he doesn’t sleep long in his pram at the best of times lol. When he has the bigger nap, he wakes up around 3pm at the latest so he has a good wake window before he goes to bed at night.. My mum mentioned how well he falls asleep on the sofa or in my bed so it got me thinking maybe his mattress is too firm.. so I got him a mattress topper which has given him a bit more squish and last night he slept so much better… not through but instead of waking every hour he only woke twice, once due to a poo in his nappy and

The other for milk. He then got up at 8am.. I’m hoping that this is what’s been causing it and it’ll slowly improve. As for co-sleeping, I’m not against it but his daddy is such a heavy sleeper and he moves so much in the night that I’d be scared of him squashing him so I avoid it. Xx

@Alex he’s not on any post op pain relief now. He has morphine for 24 hours in hospital and then they moved him onto paracetamol and told us to keep that up until his stoma bag was removed then to just give him it when he seemed in pain. Which to be honest he doesn’t now, he’s rolling around all over, he’s crawling, it doesn’t bother him when he’s picked up so pain wise I’d say he’s okay now.. although we are teething (yet to get any teeth) so he might be struggling with that as well xx

Sleep deprivation is so so tough, you sound like your doing an amazing job 🥰 it sounds like it could be so many things that were all mentioned above. My little one is teething and she def wakes more now at night. And your little boy is so cute 🥹 and sounds like such a brave little guy. One thing that popped into my head was to possibly see a Cranio Sacral therapist or osteopath if you feel drawn towards something like that. They can often release tension that babies are holding and do minor adjustments especially after a big experience like surgery 💚 just something to consider if it goes on for a longer period

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