Is 1 oz small for a 25 week baby

I just had an ultrasound a few days ago and my daughter is measuring at 1oz is that small for her
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Are you sure you didn't mishear 1 lb?

1oz? Did you mean 1 pound ?

That is definitely too small. Baby should be a little over a pound by now. I’m 24 weeks and my baby is 1 lb and 10oz. What did your doctor say about it?

@Nicola yayy 🤗 when is your due date?

@Nicola that’s my birthday 🥳🥳 my c section is scheduled 11/5

Probably 1lb 1oz? Mine is measuring 1lb 8oz at 24 weeks.

I'm 25 almost 26 and measuring 1lb 13oz

@Tanya probably misheard it I ask again at my next ultrasound

Maybe they said 1lb? I just had an appt at 25 weeks and my girl is in the 24th percentile weighing in at 1.3lbs

I’m thinking the same as the other women. Maybe it’s 1lb and 1oz. That’s seems about right for 25 week baby

At 21Wks 1D, my baby was weighing 1lb 3oz... I'm sure they meant 1lb.

I'm 24 weeks today and baby was 1pound 6 ounces yesterday. I'm guessing you meant 1 pound because I don't think the medical professionals would even let you leave if the baby at this point was 1 ounce

At my 20week anatomy scan they said 10oz. They didn’t say the amount, it was on my records in the MyChart, do you have an app where you get your results and you can look again on there?

I’m like 90% sure you misheard 1lb

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