
Now I'm far from crazy. Each day my fiance leaves soon as he wakes up. Says he needs air(we have an air conditioner) or says he needs a cigarette any excuse to leave. Also refuses to take a phone one is off the other fully functional. Yet I ask what's wrong or do you need to vent we can go somewhere. I get I'm fine with a slight attitude been this way for a week
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Men go through stuff too ! It may not even have nothing to do with you. Hopefully he will come talk to you when he’s ready.

@Leah I hope so

Mine has been sort of the same way. BUT this usually happens in the evening on weekends. We live in my hometown and he’s made a couple friends but only one and he’s younger by like 3 years maybe. And well when he leaves he usually tells me he needs space and will turn off his location and will leave till around 3am! He will text me but he will stop texting me. Like usually we would text back and forth a couple times usually just about why is he leaving and if I’m happy or if he’s happy then he will stop replying. But I let it be. I can’t say he’s with a girl or not. I bought an AirTag but I’m afraid it will notify him that there is one in the car so idk what to do.

I can’t say he’s with a girl because he doesn’t know anyone here , but idk if the guy has introduced anyone to him either. I’d follow him but I can’t technically leave when he leaves my apartment either. He would just know. So last resort is to do the AirTag. I guess I’d like to just know now like where is he really going or who is he really with.

He is the avoidant style and I’m the anxious if you can’t tell. I trust him but when he turns off his location like that. I just don’t know what to think. I don’t think he’s with a girl because when the guy friend comes here to our apartments they stay at our garage which is across from my apartment complex and will be there drinking beer till the same time. Around 2:50ish 3 am

@Cynthia at least I'm not alone and I listen when he talks to me will stop my TV show and or game. Here lately it's been waking with an attitude and all. I even told him one day he is gonna come back and I'ma be outside

@Cynthia mine leaves the phones in the house. God forbid something happens or I need to reach him I can't. That bothers me for so many reasons because I have a son with Cancer and I will drop everything then there is an argument for no reason. He doesn't really like to communicate

@Tina you definitely aren’t alone ! Guys are just weird sometimes. We have been getting into it a couple times. You know when it feels weird being home with them ? The silence. The vibes. It’s been like that but I try not to read too into it. I’m being patient , I love him. I have a child with him and want it to work but there is just so much we can do too. And so much we can take . One day he will be gone and come back to not find me here anymore.

@Tina Praying for strength for your son, you and your family 🙏🏼🥺 God will pull him through mama!

When my ex used to do this I later caught him cheating. Use a tracker

@Cynthia doesn’t have to be an AirTag use one from Amazon. Find out what he’s doing.

I definitely need to ! And which tracker do you think I should get?

I really don’t want to do the AirTag

@Cynthia it gets hard especially knowing we do have a child together. Once he gets in his mood I give him time but when it comes to questions I do need an answer and won't get one after a while I end up giving up

@Tina it really is hard. I’m the same way too, I ask and ask and ask for answer. But he never gives them so I just stop and let it be. I hate it ! But I do know a lot of this has happened because of me. I’ve pushed and pushed and pushed and this happens. Hate it but we’re here and dealing with it 😓. If you ever need to talk , feel free to message me 💕

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@Cynthia the struggle is real but I end up doing the stuff I need to for the kids and go from there

@Tina same here. One day we will be strong to walk away and get what we deserve ! I hold on to too much hope. I see the potential in him , in us. It’s hard to let go.

@Cynthia I learned to let go because the toll it takes on the kids. Trust I won't let this go ok for too long. Keep in mind this is our second go round

Next time tell him your coming with him shit leave the kids there and all. Or try to grab the kids and take them too. 🤔

You girls are so nieve. Why gall let men run you all? I hope they pay all the bills! He does t have to know a girl to cheat. That's why theirs strippers and escort websites. Be smart.

@Tina how long have you guys been together for ? We’ve been together almost 7 years. It’s been really hard. He also just hit me with he doesn’t know if he wants more kids. That he thinks he doesn’t. Idk how to feel about that , it gets me really sad. To not be able to experience another baby. Breastfeeding. The kicks. Ultrasounds. Breaks my heart.

@Julia he runs lmao. I’ve tried

How many kids you have?

It's hard though I understand. We want the best for our kids.

@Cynthia the first time which was a decade ago it was 2 years. The new relationship we have no it's been 7 1/2 months together again. He refuses to go to work or therapy for help,snaps at us when tired,claims he is always tired and when he gets woken up in the morning by the kids get an attitude and literally leaves. I won't lie I'm trying to hold on for the sake of our daughter but I'm also trying to figure out if it's worth it

@Julia I have four only one is his

Im sorry you’re going through this but that’s totally a red flag!!! We do gotta remember now a days it’s not only women you have to worry about but also MEN!!! These dudes be DL…but any man that doesn’t communicate how he feels and just leaves repeatedly something is wrong ….plz ladies let’s be more mindful of the red flags …ALSO how would he feel if you do that to him? Bet he wouldn’t like it one bit 💯

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