Am I overreacting?

For context, I am 21 and a daycare teacher currently on maternity leave and my husband is 21 and grew up in a large family where babies were constantly present. So we’ve both had experience caring for babies. I’ve been staying at home with our newborn so I’ve been getting a hang of her specific routine and queues. My husband is very involved when he is home, but he is gone majority of the day so I spend the most time with her. Lately our 2mo daughter has been drinking about 4-5 oz of milk. For a few nights she drank 6oz but now has cut back a bit so I went back to 4 1/2 for each feeding and giving her more if she seemed to need it. My husband for some reason isn’t accepting the fact that she west back to drinking 4-5oz of milk. I don’t know if he’s worried she’s going backwards or what but he will feed her to the point where she will spit up. When she does spit up he says “she just threw everything up to I need to feed her more”. He doesn’t force it as much anymore but he fills the bottle up to 6oz every time and there’s always an ounce or two leftover 🥲 I have low milk supply and have to bottle feed my breastmilk to my daughter because she doesn’t latch. The fact that he’s wasting my already scarce supply pisses me off too… I’ve brought all of this up to him and he acts like I’m starving our child. At this point I feel like I know her signals better than he does because I’m around her more though. Do yall think I’m being silly about this? I’m like fuming over it
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You know your baby best, I’ve tried explaining this to my partner. I could tell you the difference between every single one of my 4 month olds cries and if I try say to my partner oh he’s just overtired he’ll be like nooo he’s fine he’s just grumpy, I’m like I know the difference. Trust your gut, and I breastfed the first 3 months until latching problems after he had a seizure that made it difficult for him to lay on one side, I would of been seething to see my milk wasted😅 maybe do baby 5 oz, it’s always good to have a tiny bit left over so they tell you when they’re full, and try explain to your partner you’ll meet in the middle as such. Or say you’ve spoken to the HV, he’s none the wiser🫣

Nope, not at all! I had to have a talk with my husband also about wasting leftover ounces of milk! I don’t care if it’s half an ounce! Pumping is already hard as it is so every drop counts! Put it in the fridge ‼️

You definitely not in the wrong you spend the most time with your child so you’re more in tune with their needs. You are not starving your child and honestly I’d be pissed off to if my husband spilled even a drop. I pump additional 15oz a day for daycare so I’d be mad asf

Thank you guys!! This is so helpful and I definitely needed to hear it. I appreciate you all so much!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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