I had this too hun, it does ease off the further along you get. It doesn’t feel like it’ll get any better at the time and there’s not much anyone can do or say to help but just knowing it does get easier and lots of people feel the exact same 🩷
@Fizzy bed dread is a perfect way to put it! That’s exactly how I feel. It’s nice to know it’s not just me. It’s so hard though as I feel I was so under prepared for how I would feel hormone wise after birth
@Katie you are not the only one! I was NOT expecting the complete emotional turmoil in those early weeks. It does get better. I looked into safe co-sleeping and bed sharing and now my baby sleeps until anywhere between midnight and 3am in his cot which is right up against our bed; then, because I’m tired and struggle to stay awake sitting up to feed, we bed share (safely) so I can feed laying on my side. I love cuddling my baby in bed now. It feels so special. Changing up the way I did the nights like this has made bedtime a lovely experience. I also have just finished listening to The Nurture Revolution which is a brilliant book.
I’m so happy I found your post even though it’s two months old. This is exactly what I’m experiencing atm five days after our girl was born. I’m absolutely fine daytime and then at about 7 pm I just can’t stop crying. It’s for all reasons and no reasons 🫣 part of it is as someone mentioned the “bed dread”, but it’s also the fact that my life has changed and I’m now responsible for a human life, my time is not mine anymore and every second revolves around this little baby that joined our family. I love her to bits, this is exactly what I wanted, but the feels are still there. 🫣 I really hope it gets better coz I can’t stay this emotional for much longer!
@Kristin it does get better. This is exactly how I felt too. I found that once I could get out and about on my own with my baby to go to groups or even just to the shop, it felt better as I had a little bit of freedom. When I could leave my baby die a little longer with his dad and have a longer bath or go and exercise etc I felt loads more like myself and now don’t feel this way any more. I would say that by 8-12 weeks I felt a load better and now at 5.5 months I’ve found a new normal which does resemble something of my pre baby life.
My daughter is a week old today and I am starting to experience this too. So good during the day and then in the evening I feel depressed and like I can’t catch up.
@Jillian you are in the trenches. It gets better, I promise! I had terrible bed dread for a while until I fully surrendered to it. Co-sleeping REALLY helped as it meant my son slept for longer stretches. Also, my husband filled up a snack basket for me weekly. Biscuits helped a lot for motivation during cluster feeding. I have been in your shoes. Now, bedtime is quite nice. After his feed, I lay with my sleeping baby and sometimes sneak off and get a bit of time for myself.
I felt like this too. I think it’s partly to do with the evening shift in hormones for milk production. I got terrible ‘bed dread’ because I know I was in for a tough night of cluster feeding and very little sleep and I found it really hard. I got through it by waking my husband to change nappies and making sure I had a good supple of treats to snack on. I think it’s very normal and you’re not alone in it! Once I was through the first 3-6 weeks it eased off massively and now isn’t a thing at all (baby is 14 weeks).