Have him watch the baby take his credit card go back to the store and pick yourself something out girl!
So he cooked you a lovely meal, bought you a cake and tried to buy you a gift and you refused, he sounds like a keeper! 🥰 why don’t you tell him you’re sorry for not being grateful for the kind gesture at the store and ask if you can go again?
It would be nice if he chose something he thought you would like no it’s not normal my love
If you want something, choose something now! I'm sure the offer is still good. He cares, he just doesn't want to go out of his way for something you might not like. A birthday is a just a day on the calendar. It sounds like he is ready to celebrate you at any moment, you need only ask.... 🥳
Feeling sad is completely normal. My only advice is to tell him how you feel and what you expected. Most of the people' problem start because we avoid conversations.