Bit weird that he was doing it whilst lying next to you 🤔 think I might be annoyed with that bit. personally I wouldn't be annoyed about the wanking in general but the next to me would give me the ick big time 🫥 I would definitely be having a sit down conversation with him about the load he is putting on you and not doing his part to lighten it though, that's not acceptable in my book xx
@Stacey I’m don’t know, he had his phone facing away from me
@Nathalie I’m not bothered about him doing it it’s more the fact I was lying right there! He does nothing around the house or not much help with the kids because he works an “actual” job and I just “sit around all day” at home, our kids are 1 and 2 so still very needy
No I think that’s direspectful he was just doing it in the bed whilst you lay there, he could have done it any other time of day or gone to the bathroom x
God they are 1 and 2! Your full time job has no time out it's 24/7 give him a bill of what the childcare would cost for that and then ask him if he would like to help when he's home or pay it!! I would of walked out too if it was me xx
😲 not overdramatic!!!!!
What were the pictures of? That’s a bit weird 😳