Mum problems

I’m 22 with a 1 year old daughter. Me and my mum never exactly had a bad relationship but since having my daughter, things changed. She always makes me feel like I’m not doing a good job, and like I’m a bad mum and it’s really getting to me. She says I’m always so cold towards her and the truth is I am because I feel like I’ve never got over the way she treated me post partum. I struggle really bad with PPD and I feel like she just dismisses it. I ask for help and she will sometimes, but I’ll hear about it for the next year. She will never just help because she sees me struggling, I have to beg her and then it makes me not even want to ask. Or she will just tell me that ‘that’s my job, get over it’. I get it’s my job, but I’m struggling, and it would be nice for my mum to acknowledge that and not make me feel like the shittest mum in the world for feeling like that. I honestly feel like cutting her off at this point because she’s affecting my mental health more than it already is. I don’t really see the point in this post I’m just really upset at the minute
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You are allowed to feel all these things. Even I still struggle at moments with my kids and parenting. I cut my parents off before I even had kiddos because it wasn’t worth my mental health. Looking back at that decision it was the best decision I made for myself. You are doing an awesome mama, don’t ever forget it and don’t let her get you down.

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