
Hi guys, I took these three pregnancy tests yesterday and they came back positive, I’ve taken one this morning when HCG levels are meant to be highest and it’s come back totally negative? I’m so confused and also gutted 😢 we’ve been trying for almost a year and I really thought yesterday it finally happened as surely you can’t get 3 false positives in a row? How can it be negative this morning?😞
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Those are all positive. Could be a chemical pregnancy or just that's it too early. Try again, reducing your fluid intake.

How many dpo are you? All three of these are clear positive. Maybe try again abit later / in a few days. Xx

@Alice my period was due on Friday so surely it should be definitely positive today if I was?😢

I second what @Susan said try reducing fluid I take as you may have diluted your urine too much so hcg is to low to trace or worst case scenario it could be a chemical pregnancy speaking from experience I was positive one day even digital picked it up then negative the next so it can happen just like that just try testing in 48hrs

They all look positive to me

It could be the time of day. I found when I was early on, my tests were more positive and pronounced in the evening than in the morning at the start.

@Kim really? I thought it was supposed to be the other way round and they’re stronger in the morning which is why I tested this morning but it was definitely negative 😢

I think as long as you've not drank much (which with my line of work I hardly ever get a moment to drink) you can test anytime. It.true it should be more concentrated in the mornings but my midwife told me it was not uncommon for it to be the other way round. Try not to panic too much and test again in a day or two :) if.your pregnant you'll get your lines :)

@Kylie read the post 😬 the lady took these yesterday and knows they are positive but she took one today that she hasn’t posted and said it is negative today, that is her dilema

False negatives happen more often than false positives. Have a break, take a breath and test again.

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