Preg test 😩

Please tell me this is negative 😩😩 Really don’t want another baby atm
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Sorry love that looks pretty positive

That’s very positive

Ahh shit 😩

Definitely positive, did you take any measures to protect yourself? 😳

@Rhiannon no I fucked up there 😿

I know you said you don't want another baby right now but do you have support? A partner? Family? Honestly you'll be ok. I know it's scary. But you got this

@Rhiannon I do but me and my partner have only been together a month

Time doesn't mean anything, been with him a month, year, 10 years. If he respects you, even loves you he will stick by you. You both did the deed so he is responsible also, sit him down tell him you're pregnant, let him digest the news and if he stays then that's amazing and if not. Well as I said, you got this!

That looks positive

@Rhiannon my family are gonna judge me so hard for this lol I just wanted to enjoy time with my 16month old before having another 🥲 I’m scared I won’t have enough time for her 😓

If it makes you feel even the slightest bit better… my boyfriend and I were dating for only a month when we conceived, dating for two when we found out. Going on almost three years and with the most handsomest little 10 month old boy 🥰

@Kelsey a little, but he already has 2 boys (one step and the other biological) in NSW and another on the way with another girl 🙀 I struggle to even get by atm, I don’t think I’m ready for another one lol

Yes sis that is positive.

very positive 😟

Looks positive

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He has another on the way with another girl!? Girlll is he involved in the other children’s life’s and help out? Ik it’s been a month so probably don’t know very much about it but he very clearly knows what happens

That’s too much girl , no judgment , but as a collective helping you make the correct decision . Why are you with a man with 1 kid of his own , a step kid and one on the way with another girl ?😭😭 how is the step kid his step kid ? And who is this other pregnant lady? . He sounds like a MESS , and you my dear are not a MESS. If you are in a safe state to go over your options , go over them ! And choose what’s right! You will heal , you will grow , you will prosper , but ask yourself , “is that possible with another baby ?” (The answer is always yes ) but then the follow up question is “ how will that delay my goals?” Because children do delay your goals ,and the final question you should be asking yourself is . “ does this align with what I want to present to the world?” You said your family will judge you and their judgment means nothing , the question is are you judging yourself ? Because if you are , then that’s your answer . You know what to do.

If you’re not ready , then take action now , and thank you for coming here because we will put the back bone in you , to choose yourself . You dont know that man and he’s not worth tarnishing your success for . the people who help you through this ( assuming you’ll terminate ) are the ones who’d never judge you . The ones who judge you for even terminating , are the ones who would always judge you for having the baby too ! and it’s time to let those people GO.

IF YOU DO HAVE THE BABY, who knows maybe things will go well, but hold your breath on that and simply observe what this man does and how he moves .

@Gillian she only told him like 3 weeks into our relationship, he didn’t want it but she did she wasn’t getting rid of it.. yeah I know it’s a bit crazy!! And she tells him I’m telling the baby who the real father is but I’ll tell this other dude it’s his and my best friend will step up as the dad 👀👀

@Jasmine long story 😫

That's paternity fraud... how do you think he'll feel when/if he finds out you lied? That's shady and low and no matter whatever your situation is you should never put a man through that. Feel sorry for the friend hope he chooses to get a DNA test for his sake.

@Terra i agree! I think he is going to get a dna not 100% sure tho

If you know this person close or not you should say something. I'm all for being supportive but I don't care if I burn bridges by speaking up on something that is clearly wrong. I encourage women to be better but of we support them when doing things like this instead of pushing/making them be better we will get nowhere in life.

@Terra I don’t know her at all, she lives in nsw

Dude even you know that is positive...🙈🥲 Im sorry its not what you want to hear though :-/

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