EDD: 12/08/2024 Elective C section 29/07/2024 Time born: 9:37 am. 2 days post, the pain is out of this world we home alone bonding ! 🤍
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im also day 2 post op, happy baby birthday twins! glad you and baby are home now🩷 this day 2 pain is wild huh?

Hey girly happy birth day to both the lil cuties , how you feeling? & yes it’s out of this world I literally got pain relief and water beside me 🤣, but they ain’t helping x

Im exhausted to say the least😂 the gas pain is the worst for me rn, but thankfully gas x is good! The otc pain meds really dont touch it though, especially the cramping! oof

@kelsey I think that’s the pain I’m feeling it’s crazy & I can’t believe they don’t send you home with pain relief x

Congrats mama! ❤️ glad you’re both home and bonding 🤗 can I ask why you elected for c section? And how you brought it up with your doctors?

Day 2 was the worse for me, I'm on day 6 now and so much better even went a walk yesterday this was my 3rd section xx

Congrats!!! Hope all is going well! ❤️❤️ My EDD was 01/09. C-section scheduled for 19/08, but baby had other plans and came 29/07 at 00:22. 🩵 I agree, the post-op pain is so much worse today, hope it gets better soon as I have a lot of travelling to do. I'm getting discharged today but baby boy is staying in the NICU... So will be going back and forth every day.

Congrats !! I also had elective c section on 29/07.. day 2 and I’m freaking dying. So much pain!! 😣 x

@Mantha same due date😵, how’s baby doing? mine was born 35w+1 x

@Erica Mine was born literally 35w and 22 mins (time of birth 00:22!). He's having some trouble breathing and he's throwing up his food. But they don't give too much detail. And when they do, they use all the medical terms so we still don't understand what is happening.. it's killing me that I have to leave the hospital in a few hours and he's not coming home with us. Can't stop crying. How is your little one doing?

@Mantha oh I’m so sorry to hear that, which hospital is he in? I’m still admitted, as I’m still in so much pain. Baby boy went to nicu for breathing problems also, a lot of fluid in his lungs 🥺 hate seeing him attached to all them machines. Very emotional.. really hope I don’t have to leave him here

@Erica Oh no, I'm so sorry you're going through this as well. Hope both our babies will be home soon! 🤞❤️ He's at Wythenshawe Hospital (Manchester). At least everyone is really nice and taking good care of him, he's in good hands. They have already given us a phone number we can call anytime for updates and they also do video updates. Which is great because we live quite far from the hospital (this is where my diabetes team was so we decided to have the baby here as well) and because of the surgery, coming and going every day will be very difficult for me. But they give me a chance to still see him 🩵 I hope you feel better soon. And that we take them home very very soon. You are right, seeing your baby with the tubes and all is so sad ..

@Mantha can always message me if need be, we’re going through the same thing 🥺 how are you recovering ?? I still can barely walk. So painful getting out of the bed

@Erica Same for you, message me anytime! Today my scar is quite painful, but the midwife said that day 2 is usually the worst and then it gets better. Getting up is fine for me, it's sitting back down that hurts more! Especially since my butt is quite sore from the sitting. I can walk around a bit and stand, but after 5 mins the pain is too much..

Praying for everyone’s quick recovery 🤍, this is my 5th c section 6th baby and will be my last 🤣🤣🙃

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