Possible Autism?

Hi everyone, I just want to put out there before I start this post that I do have a doctors appointment scheduled for her. I’m just anxious. My daughter is going to be 3 in January. Over the last couple months she started having behaviors she didn’t before. At first I thought ok maybe it’s just what people call the terrible twos. However over time I started noticing things. Her ‘tantrums’ get to the point where she is biting like to hurt and hitting. But if you try to soothe her she doesn’t want to be looked at/or touched. It turns into an hour or so of me trying multiple different things to calm her down. She also sometimes will self harm as in throwing herself hard on floor or smacking herself. She is very smart and talks so much, but when these ‘episodes’ happen everything is out the window. I also noticed she lines up her animal figurines and if you touch them or if she herself doesn’t put them right she panics. She is super afraid of loud noises since she was little I.e she loves dogs but if our dog barks she will go hide and cry. She can’t watch fireworks she loves them but the noise. She spins a lot or does hand gestures repeatedly or repeats the alphabet or numbers to 15 for long periods of time. I’m not asking anyone to diagnose her I guess I just want to know I’m not crazy or suggesting she could possibly have something when I’m just over analyzing idk. Positive comments only please 🙏🏽
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I’ve spent a lot of times in Intervention rooms at schools and this definitely sounds like some of the kids I’ve had. I wouldn’t be too horribly worried as you are getting her help!

@Kristian Larger yeah just as a mom I worry for her because I hate to see her struggling. 🫶🏼 thanks for your comment

She really does just sound like a 2 year old. But there’s nothing wrong with an evaluation.

A lot of it does just sound like a 2 year old being 2, but some other parts definitely raise flags for early intervention, an eval wouldn’t hurt anybody. 🫶🏼 you’ve got this momma. You noticing & accessing care & resources means your doing everything right

My son started to show almost the identical signs around 1.5-2 years old. But he also had a speech delay. I was in denial about Autism at first but the signs were there. He was eventually diagnosed and he’s 4 now and I’m glad we were able to get the diagnosis. Watching him develop over the last couple of years has proven even more how much the diagnosis fits. I’m so glad I was open to exploring the possibility and not being afraid of it because he became eligible for SO MANY services and I was able to get him the help he needed and he’s doing great. It sounds like if she does have it, hopefully it’s a mild case and she can easily work through some of those sensory triggers that’s likely causing the behavioral changes. Best of luck to you guys and please reach out if you need any advice or just to vent ❤️🙏

@Kate thank you so much for this 🫶🏼 that was my biggest thing is I wanted to get her evaluated early so if it is that she could get the help she needs. I obviously didn’t post everything she does here but these were the ones that started to get me thinking. Thank you so much 🥰

Keep us updated ❤️❤️❤️

i sometimes think my daughter might have it because of the some same reasons like the lining up of blocks or toys, spinning in circles and flapping of arms but i just think she’s too little to know or be sure

@Samantha I heard and from classes I’ve taken I think sometimes you can diagnose and see signs early that’s what early intervention is for. That’s why I am checking so early. I don’t want her to struggle because of my own worrying for her. I’d rather know so I can help her 🫶🏼

@Randi it’s either she has it u get her the help or they end up saying it’s just a phase

I know when I was kid I would line up toys and had a set order, if anyone moved it. I'd notice and move it back. My husband barely talked as a kid. Kids have their own little quirks, nothing wrong with an evaluation to make sure but again kids have there own different stages. You know your kid best and what is normal for them.

She sounds like how my son was at 2. He’s now 3.5yrs and has out grown most of the actions. Hes improved with loud noises but still can freak out. He still lines toys up but that’s a typical kid thing to do. He used to hit a lot when he was super upset so we taught them to hit a pillow, he rarely does it now but if he does we know he’s extremely upset/irritated etc so just allow him to get it out then he will talk to us. However most of what you described is exactly like a lot of the kids at my baby/toddler group at 2yrs old. Yes some things sound like it could be autism but a lot really is just toddler behaviour. Hope your dr gives you the answers you need and the support.

There’s an online quiz you can take called M-CHAT-R and it might be helpful as a first step.

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