Positive fFN Test/ Pre term labour test.

Anybody had one come back positive and know what it really means? I’m 34 weeks tomorrow, went in to be checked yesterday as I had some Braxton hicks, heavy mucus discharge and nausea so wanted to rule out labour. They checked me over and had no concerns until my pre-term labour swab came back positive. I stayed in overnight for observation and they discharged me today. When I asked if I still have a high chance of pre-term labour, every midwife or doctor seemed to say something different. Some said no more than others, and others said to stay cautious as I have an increased risk. It’s my second pregnancy, my first came at 40+5. Has anyone got any experience with this?
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A positive test means that there is a chance that u will go into labour in the next 2 weeks. So just keep an eye on any symptoms u may have like cramps, bloody show and Watery loss. It's not a definitive ur going to have ur baby in the next 14 days your just at a higher risk for it. Also the test isn't measured like a pregnancy test where it's yes or no it gives them the rough percentage of how much fibronectrine was detected, so if u where the mark they deem positive and it wasn't a super high percentage that could be why u were getting different answers from people. I'm so sorry no one explained that to u, sometimes doctors really let us down. I hope this helps, if u have anymore questions just ask away x

Thank you! They told me 50 was the limit for a positive score and I was 159, but one midwife said that’s still quite low given it can go into the thousands, the doctor said it was a high score, so I’m not really sure. They told me the % of going into labour in the next two weeks based on my score was only 8%, so still fairly low. I just know it goes along with all the other tests that came back fine, so didn’t know if that meant I was out of the woods. I asked a more senior midwife and she said to avoid anything that could bring on labour (sex, hot food, a lot of exercise) until 37 weeks just incase and take it easy, but another midwife said if she were me she would still go to the out of town wedding I’ve been invited by to in 3 weeks 🙈 it’s so confusing.

Mine came back positive at 32+6 now 34+ 3 and still no baby or signs of labour. It just means more of a risk of baby coming before 37 weeks but some women go full term still. I wouldn't worry about it. Baby is a good size now. I'm resting as much as possible in bed or on the sofa. Xxx

@Kayleigh are you still working? My mum keeps saying I should go on mat leave but I want to leave as much time at the other end as possible. I’m 34 weeks and go off at 37, I’m only doing three day weeks until I finish and all WFH so I think I can manage. X

I don't work no I stopped at 21 weeks due to sciatica and PGP. But with risk of preterm you need to bed rest alot as gravity helps baby come quicker. So I would suggest taking all the annual leave you have left then kick in mat leave straight after. So you can rest as much as possible at home xxx

@Kayleigh I’ve had sciatica and PGP this time too, it’s horrendous isn’t it. X

It's the worst xx

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