Stretch and sweep

I am 40 weeks in a weeks time and the midwife said I can opt to do a Membrane sweep at my 40 week appt. I have looked up risks ect (dosent seem to be a whole lot) but am wondering what the benefit of doing this is besides meeting my little girl potentially earlier ?
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Hi there - it’s a relatively low risk way of encouraging a “natural” labour to occur. I say this as opposed to an induction which is more aggressively induces labour but comes with more risks, such as a failed induction resulting in an emergency c-section, for example. I know the Mater is very pro-sweep as a way to avoid the need for medical induction because of the risk profiles of both procedures. Sweeps can fail (labour is not kicked off) but no / very low medical risk occurs. Inductions can fail but often/more likely then result in a medical risk. Sweeps are still intrusive and very unpleasant/painful for some (me included!) so definitely something to fully consider. I went 10 days over before opting for a sweep for my second. This time, for my third, I’d probably opt for it sooner (40wks) because I’d like to have the baby sooner than later (practical reason: house renos!).

it’s just a way to try and get your body to go into labor sooner. i had one at at 40+2 weeks, i guess it was successful cause my daughter was born 3 days later. i probably wouldn’t do it again, just bc i find it important to trust the process when it comes to labor/birth, i think i did it cause i felt pressured to induce

If you want some solid info have a listen to episode 46 ‘stretch and sweep’ podcast by the great birth rebellion! Super informative & evidence based 💕

If your body isn't ready to go into labour, it might not do much other than cause some pain and discomfort. It could also accidentally cause your waters to break, which again, if your body isn't ready, might not promote labour naturally, and then they might want to progress to an induction after a certain period of time. If you are going to have one, ask for the nitrous gas to be day up and in your hand for the procedure in case you want to use it. You don't have to, but nice to have it if you need it.

I had an induction 2 weeks ago which started with waters being broken and a stretch and sweep. I was really hoping to bring on labour naturally, but at 38 weeks despite being 2cm dilated already, my body wasn't ready to labour or stay contractions so I had to have syntocin (for medical reasons).

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