Signs of early labour?

This is my 3rd pregnancy but I was induced with the last 2 so was very intense and fast. I’m confused and don’t know what I should be keeping an eye out for
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Your mucus plug can be a sign of labor, not always though. Your water might break first, if it does it might be a big gush or a slow trickle kind of like when you pee yourself. Contractions probably will start first. They’ll come every couple of mins and usually last 1min. Active labor is when contractions are 5mins apart or less. If your water breaks def check the odor and color. It’s supposed to be clear with no smell

I lost my mucus plug and an hour later, my contractions started. Since it was my first pregnancy, I was in labor for like 29 hours 🥲 They broke my water for me You want to look for contractions that are consistent that eventually get closer together

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