Separation anxiety

Hi all, I'm hoping someone might have a bit of advice. I went back to work on the 16th (office 3 days and home 2 days) and LO stays with dad because he works from home. It's taken a bit of getting used to, as he's still EBF, but he's been fine with me leaving. I've been at home the past two days and noticed he's been getting really upset when I leave him/the room, but just now I left him with dad to go for a shower and as soon as I got a few steps away he screamed. I took him back and he was fine, but did it again when I passed him back to dad. I'm due to go in the office tomorrow and feel horrible if he screams like that again. I'm not sure if it's the start of separation anxiety, and we think his two bottom teeth are close to coming through, so not sure if he wants to stay close to me because of the milk? Just hoping someone could have advice on what to do to help LO be happy with me leaving him x
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