I also couldn’t afford them! I did the free course at Homerton hospital. 3 x sessions on a Sunday morning. I think all maternity hospitals offer these. The only downside is they weren’t social at all, I’ve realised since having my baby that the friendship groups are formed at the paid nct courses
Thank you @Justina & @Emma Honestly, so helpful. Even when I google free antenatal classes, I don’t get the information you have both given me so thank you
Which hospital are you using? I found it very difficult to find too. If it’s Homerton I can send you a link.
@Emma RLH 😕
I would ask your midwife if they do them. Also check your blue book (if you haven’t already) mine had a leaflet about the classes in but I still found it hard to find the booking online lol
Looks like the face to face are fully booked but they got online one . Mine was totally doable online, there wasn’t any hands on activities or anything like that https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/birth-and-beyond-virtual-antenatal-classes-4-week-course-tickets-801737076177?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios
I have 2 antenatal classes nhs offered coming up this month. Midwife advised they’re on Sundays and I received letters to both. My hospital hosts them every other Sunday. I believe it’s with letter only but I’m sure you could give your midwifery a call and ask if there’s any around you ! ( when I went for private scan, there was a poster of antenatal classes in local library every other Thursday , can’t remember where tho sorry ! But there are so many free options )