She also said this is was becoming increasingly more common with the anti-D injection, so I think they're going to look into it more as it'll continue to show in bloods - try not to worry, easier said than done I know!
Ahh ok, yeah I mean I was negative on my 28 week bloods, then literally 2 days later was positive after having the injection so I'm putting it down to that! It's just hard not to get worried haha But thank you it's good to know!
I'm rhesus negative, and at 27 weeks had my bloods then 28 weeks had the injection so opposite way to you. Not been jabbed/checked since but they stressed it was important bloods were checked before the anti D to make sure all was ok. From the reading I was given, the anti D is supposed to last for around 6 weeks to help reduce the chance of sensitisation events. I'd only be concerned if you have experienced a sensitisation event. otherwise, I agree with others it's just the anti D.
@Hannah thank you! I called the maternity unit and they basically said my notes show it's due to anti D injections most likely so they're not worried..I've not had any bleeds or hit my bump or anything so I'm less worried now!
Currently waiting for baby’s blood results bcos I’m also rhesus a-
I'm currently going through the exact same thing! Bloods still showing antibodies despite having anti-D injection, they just said that I'll have 4 weekly bloods to monitor levels, but very likely that it's the injection as it lasts for weeks/months! I'm 32 weeks and had my injection at 28 weeks, but midwife didn't seem concerned 😊