Hi ladies a little advice needed please ? UK

so basically my husband is really stressed at work and wants to leave his job pays well. But if he leaves we won’t be able to afford rent and we have a toddler 🥴 and I can’t go back to work right now as there’s nobody to keep him or help me with him and I can’t afford childcare fees. What options do I have. Hate seeing my husband so stressed 😔 I’m not on benefits or universal credit I’m not entitled to anything because of his pay.
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If he can, he could go sick. But be careful as it affects future prospects. He needs to proactively search like crazy for a job he prefers. I understand how much you want to support him, but walking out isn't a decision he should do lightly. Maybe he could talk to a doctor. Maybe it's not just work stressing him out? Dig deeper. But regardless he needs to get another job before leaving. Good luck. I've been here. It makes it harder x

How long has he been in that job? If it's at least 2 years then he has some protection from being unfairly dismissed if he raises the stress as an issue with his employer. Take steps to reduce the stress: Employers have a duty of care to protect employees from stress and do an individual risk assessment and action plan to address this. More here: https://www.acas.org.uk/managing-work-related-stress/understanding-the-law Take some time off work to recover and reevaluate: He should also check his company's sick leave policy and talk to a doctor in case he eventually needs a sick note to get signed off work. It might help him to take a brief break as sick leave. If you don't have an emergency fund, I wouldn't recommend him just resigning with no clear plan. If he resigns, he probably won't be entitled to benefits while he looks for work, so that really should be a last resort after exhausting all options. If he's confident he can find something else fairly soon, then he should get applying!

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