Positive birth stories?

Can anyone at all give me some positive birth stories?😂 I’m only 13 weeks, but the only thing I’m dreading about pregnancy is the giving birth part, and I don’t know if it’s because all I’ve ever heard are horror stories about it 😬
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So I’m probably going to get slaughtered for this and I know every woman’s experience is different… but I had such a good birth experience and didn’t find it that bad with pushing my little boy out, if I had to say the worst part of it all was just getting past the “ring of fire” which was getting his head out, after that he just flew out of me 😅 Sure some part of labour was painful but I personally found it bearable, don’t be afraid to take pain relief if offered to you, I was only able to have gas and air as I was too far gone for anything else and that stuff is amazing!😍 And it’s so true what they say soon as the baby is out you almost forget what you just went through. Also having a good support system around you makes such a difference! I hope you have an amazing birth experience mumma! 🤍

I had a very positive experience. I had a planned c-section for various reasons. But the day was great in my opinion. I was given my date, had all my things ready. The hospital staff were amazing and then ended the day with my little baby girl. Was only in hospital for a short period of time (19 hours) and had a very good recovery. I completely understand everyone is different but luckily i had a very positive experience x

I had a positive experience my parents came the night before I gave birth and my mom and my husband stayed in the delivery room with me until I gave birth it’s not really horror story but the staff was amazing they brought me extra food and juice made sure I had water and made sure I walked around. My baby was only in the hospital for two days just as well as I was the only problem is I didnt get to heal properly and was forced to go back to work before have a fully recovery.

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