announcing pregnancy

has anyone announced pregnancy to close family members, i want to tell them but scared of what is a possibility. how far gone was you when you told them x
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So I am 4 weeks and my partner and I want to tell people so bad! We will be telling people at 7 weeks and just want to celebrate our dumpling, if things got wrong then we will have the support of our loved ones xxx

We’ve told close family and friends xx

Mine is IVF so it’s been hard to hide that kind of thing from family/close friends/colleagues. We don’t plan on announcing until we are somewhat out of the woods, closer to 12 weeks. But if anyone asks, there isn’t much point lying to them hehe

My first pregnancy we didn’t tell anyone until after 20 week scan. This time I’ll probably tell people after 12 week scan ish. No rush though, I much prefer when no one knows 😂

I'm 5 weeks and going on holiday next week with my mum and sisters. I haven't told them (we have our early reassurance scan 2 days after I'm back) and really don't know how I'm going to keep it hidden all week from them or even whether I should just tell them 🥺😓

First pregnancy I didn’t even know myself till 27weeks😂 Second pregnancy we told our parents at 5 weeks but I miscarried 4 days later. Third pregnancy we told my mum only at 5 weeks which I then miscarried at 7 weeks. I’m hoping to be able to get to my 8 week scan at the early pregnancy unit this time before telling anyone at all! So for now it’s just me and my partner this time! ❤️

Yess. My in laws and mum & sister know. They’re all so excited 😆

We told our parents and my sister last night, I’m 5 weeks. It is early but we are all really close and i didn’t want to have to hide it. Plus it means if god forbid anything does happen there’s a few people there for support. Only do it when you feel comfortable, even if it’s only a tiny circle of people

I told my mum, and my bestie asked so told her too! I feel like don’t quite believe it myself until I see the scan so feel unsure about telling anyone else yet 🙈 I’m tempted to book an early scan though!!

Yes. Families know and I’ve told HR at work as I’m already being sick in mornings so bit hard to hide/cover up.

We’ve told my parents and sister and my partners grandparents so far. I’m 6 weeks tomorrow. We know it’s still early but we were too excited and wanted to share the news! I’d say do what feels right to you xx

I am 4 weeks and me and my partner are going to wait till 12 weeks to tell people.

We have told friends and family on the day we found out! We were 3weeks1day pregnant then. Just couldn’t hold it from them. Everyone knew how much we wanted this baby 😅

I told close family and friends at 5 weeks and I now have a 1 month old 👌🏼

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