Bring a water bottle and sip when you need a second to gather your thoughts. If that doesn’t work just make a joke switching back from mom brain. I’m a chemist too and after having my baby I had a few strokes. The brain fog is horrible between the medical aspect and having to switch between mom/work mode.
Chemist. I’m still pregnant but always have issues with my boss coming in to talk while I’m in the wet lab making me lose my place when running tests. To counter this I have very set ways of doing things and leave myself visual cues for when I am in the process so I can see what step I was on with a glance. For instance placing things to the right or left of a rack, or moving a bottle of standard to a new area of the hood.
I do light hearted jokes. I teach chemistry and have these moments that are like missing scenes in my brain (or a 404 moment). I had one just today while present my fellowship work. Most people are understanding and laugh it off with you.
Following! I’m a research scientist working in R&D. It is so hard to turn my science brain on and my mom brain off. Talking to colleagues, presenting, planning experiments, etc. feel impossible. I don’t have any tips, but we’re in this together!