Anyone else?

I feel like I’m being pranked and like my boy just isn’t going to come ever. 😂 I’m due the 27th but was measuring a few weeks ahead. I have my next appointment and growth scan on Thursday but damn I’m starting to get antsy for his arrival! 🙃
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I’m also due the 27th and measuring few weeks ahead! 🙋🏻‍♀️😂 definitely antsy wondering whether she’s coming early because of her size or she’s just going to wait until the due date 😩

I feel like I’m in a continuous joke as I was due August 2nd and he has shown no sign of coming 🥲🫠 it’s beyond frustrating but also I know he will be here any day now— it’s so hard not to be antsy. He’s also been at -1 station since 35 weeks and I’ve been 1.5 cm and 50% effaced since 34 weeks so I had expected him to come early along with my midwife but nope 😂

Also due the 27th and measuring ahead! I think they have my due date wrong, but we'll see what happens. Honestly, time is going by very quickly for me as I'm still working full time and have 3 other children to care for. I'm so not prepared for her to be here yet, so much left to do!

I’m right there with you Adrienne! I was due the 2nd and have been 2 cm dilated since 37 weeks 😒 this little girl is showing no signs and being so dang stubborn. Lol I’m so over it 😭

@Rachael yes!! I’m so over it too— thankfully I have a MW appt today at 2 so I’ll be getting a membrane sweep in hopes it’ll push him to get out already 🥲

I’m also due the 27th and officially full term today according to my midwife so we are going to start trying to encourage this stubborn comfy girl to come meet her mama earth side 😂 I don’t know if I can go another 3 weeks in this heat

Awwww ladies wishing you all the best. My due date was the 27th but I’m being induced at 37w1d so in 24 hours I’ll be going in. Today is my last growth scan and NST and we’re due to the hospital at 6am on 8/7.

wow. We really are all just waiting patiently while antsy and ready lol. I’m due the 18 and I’m over here like “hello?? Are you gonna get out??” The feeling of being tired of pregnancy has never been so real for me. So ready to be done with it. lol. Good luck ladies!

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