How is everyone prepping for baby?

I’m a FTM and 19weeks tomorrow. It’s going super fast. Apart from shopping what’s everyone doing to prep for baby/birth? 🥰
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I have a couple of books, also trying to get myself into breastfeeding class. And the most major part is we’re just about to hire a doula so she will come with the world of knowledge and help. But that’s the pricy part… I originally thought we don’t need one but changed my mind and now looking into home birth as well- very controversial I know 😄

So for my first baby I got tickets to the Baby Show which was great. Had a whole day there trying prams out, going to talks, snagged great offers. In one day got my whole travel system, car seat, nursery furniture, soft mat, bottles and freebies all at show price. All the brands were there with test tracks etc. I snagged stuff in the sales like next too but it was a bit difficult as we kept the gender a surprise. Baby 2 now and I’ve just started going through the boxes to see what’s reusable, what’ll need new teats for etc. Join the Boots parenting club for freebies like Avenno and MAM bottles too.

I would highly recommend Daisy First Aid too. We went and learnt baby first aid with a few local parents and it came in handy when my daughter choked.

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