How is everyone doing?

How are all the new mama's doing? My little girl is now 3 weeks and 3 days old. For the most part I don't think she is a terrible baby but definitely has her fussy moments, i hate seeing her upset 🥺. Really struggling with her having hiccups and trapped wind we think. I love having cuddles with her and wouldn't change her for the world now she here. I'm missing sleep 😂. I'm super nervous about my partner going back to work on Monday as he has been amazing the past month. I feel I'm recovering from my c-section well but pushed it a bit too much yesterday uncomfortable today. Hope all new mums and dad's are enjoying this time and your all doing amazing! ☺️ xxx
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My little girl is 2 weeks old tomorrow and I can't believe it tbh. She's absolutely perfect and I love her so much 🥰 I had an episiotomy and forceps so I'm recovering slowly, struggling sometimes with the pain and stuff but getting on alright 😁 I'm really enjoying being a mum but I'm beyond exhausted aha

@Charlie It's going so quickly! I'm loving it too and the exhaustion is real! 😂

Could of wrote this my self , husband is back to work Monday to , we will be fine 💪 recovery from c section to is tough so feel you xx as want to get on and drive but still feel not able to , my girl been same we changed her formula in end and last night was first night I got 3 hrs sleep ! She was born 19th july x

Don't you all hate it when people say sleep when baby sleeps ! 🤣

Omg I'm the same my little boy is 3weeks and 3days aha and is constantly wanting hugs and cuddles. I love him so much but omg I sometimes I need just like a good few hours sleep. Aha and I never realized how burping a baby is so hard haha 😂 xx

My fiancé is back to work tomorrow and I'm actually dreading it 🤣 he's been at home with me for a whole month (a few weeks before the baby came so he could help me in my last few weeks of pregnancy) and he's finally going back 😭😭😭 I know we will be okay but I'm terrified of doing this by myself

@Rosie it drives me crazy when anyone says that 😂. We try to nap but we have work being done next door to us and each time we settle they start drilling so then can't sleep 🤣. I'm trying inafcol from today and message chat health to find out if we need to speak to anyone or try a new formula will be next! X

You will have to let us know how your first day without your partner goes. I'm sure you'll be fine you can only do your best! And that's always enough! It's also nice to know I'm not thr only one struggling with burping my little one it's alot harder then you think! And she burps like a trooper so how she has anything left to bring up ill never know!

My baby was 4 weeks old yesterday and my husband went back to work today. Luckily working from home! I was dreading it but it went well, I think it helps to go out if you can at least for a little bit!

My little one is 12 days today and starting to get fussy, we both cried all afternoon 😅 but it’s the first tough afternoon we’ve had, so I think it feels worse. Recovering from episiotomy, which is slow going and no fun! I feel very blessed that my fiancé gets 6 months paternity leave, I don’t know how I’d cope and I really feel for you all having your partners go back to work 🩵

My wee one 3 weeks tomorrow already! Has been a whirlwind 3 weeks .. my partner went back to work last week which I was dreading but managing so far.. I'm also recovering a C-section but feeling not too bad at all now. Just looking forward to getting out and about more with baby once I'm fully recovered and feeling more confident 😌

@Rosie yes they always say that, but they never fuck off home when baby sleeps so I can sleep too?! 😂😂

@Amber love that 😂😂

My baby is 3 weeks old but as I have 3 more children I haven’t been able to soak in the moments and slow down as much as I’d like to have which is making me quite sad 😭

@Fiza oh no that must be really difficult 🥺. Hopefully you'll get some time to enjoy it. Are your other children enjoying have a new little addition? 😊

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@Amber I hear you my visitors died down now thankgod xx

@Jess 6 months? 😭😭😭 Oh I wish my fiancé got that much time ahaha I really don't want to be home without him 💔 I've been struggling with winding my baby too she falls asleep when mid-feed and then refuses to burp, then wakes up an hour later screaming the place down because she has wind 🤦🏼‍♀️

My baby was born 20th July at 33 weeks. She's an angel. Wakes for feeds, loves cuddles and is generally very chilled. Because we were in hospital and my partner needed to do a vital course at work, he's already been back at wirk for 2 weeks. He's still got 3 weeks off now and I'm just looking forward to our bubble x

@Rosie my baby boy was born 19th July too💙

@Jo yes my children are over the moon, however they are all under 8 so it’s very busy and non stop. Wouldn’t change it for the world, it will get better when schools back on I guess. Thanks for asking lovely xx

@Fiza definitely a busy household for you during the holidays. Your a hero! I'm worried about one little one, so your amazing I have to say 😊 xx

@Charlie I felt the exact same before my other half went back this week. But honestly your natural instincts just kick in and you'll be absolutely great I promise you 😊x

My other half went back to work this Monday, our daughter was born on 17th July - honestly I've found it okay now he's back at work - I've been able to just be ok our own schedule - Luna wakes up around 6-7, we have a feed, cuddle in bed, I put her back down at 8-9 and we sleep in a bit, I then make breakfast and she's still asleep, I watch TV whilst she breastfeeds etc - it's nice just flowing, just the two of us. It's been easier without visitors too 😂

It's been easier to figure out what she needs too without anyone else there to distract me from observing her and her usual patterns of behaviour for certain triggers like trapped wind or hunger etc

Also, we're all bloody smashing it!

@Jo ❤️

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