Pregnant with a toddler

how are y’all doing it?! because I am barely making it! I am 29 weeks pregnant - irritable and exhausted and just feel like the worst mom with no patience
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Girl it’s hard I’m 35 weeks and stay at home mom and I take a nap when my son is napping and that’s been making a big difference. That and as soon as my husband is home from work I’m on the couch lounging, still interacting and playing with my toddler but doing as little as I can lol! Basically clocking out except for all the cuddles he gets

It’s toughh lmfao. Especially because my daughter was chill and then just got into the phase where everything is a big deal, very big reactions to minor things and tantrums. I just remind myself that she’s learning and growing right now. If I feel like my patience is getting thin I just let her be and have her moment. It’s a little hard right now cause my body is not feeling the best, it’s hot af and I’m trying to do my best for my toddler but I’m just not at my 100%. Take your breaks when you need them. Ask your partner for help. Sometimes I go for a drive just to be alone lol. Do whatever you need to do to keep your sanity.

Welp. I need help. Even tho my husband is here to help, I need help not getting sick all the time. I’m 26 weeks pregnant. Just got back to work cause school is starting back. The students are not even in school yet and I have Covid. I feel like I’m dying. Just want to sleep the whole day and I have to stay lock up for 5 days.

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