Feeling Lonley

Posting anonymous as I feel a bit embarrassed My LG is 4 months old and I love her more than anything and I know I’m never alone as I’m always with her. But the past few weeks I’ve felt so lonely. I have a great support network in both my family and friends but day to day they’re working. My partner is absolutely fabulous and a very hands on dad but his been working long hours and so much overtime to help top our money up as maternity pay is shocking. We only really have about half hour together in the evenings between LG going to bed and then going to bed ourselves. The first month or so everyone wanted to come round to see baby but after the first few visits they’ve dropped off. I could go 5-6 days without seeing anyone other than my baby and my partner. I attend one baby group as this is the only one in my area but I’ve struggled to make “mum friends” there as everyone seems to stay in their groups of 2 or 3. So I don’t always go to that either as I feel what’s the point in wasting money for it to just be me and my LG. I’ve felt so overwhelmed the past few days especially as I’ve been struggling with sleep and constantly waking up to check on LG even though she’s sound asleep. I’ve tried to make local friends on here too but nothing ever seems to come of it either. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and we waited so long for her so I also feel guilty for feeling so lonely 😭
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Aww sorry you feel this way, I do think it’s very normal though. I also felt like this, where abouts do you live? Happy to exchange numbers so you have someone to chat to. My little girl is also 4 months x

I relate to this so much! My lil girl is coming up to 4 months on the 18th August. I am guilty of not keeping on touch with people via this app, but am better on Whatsapp and Insta if you want to exchange numbers? I really need to make Mama friends x x

I could have written most of this myself. I handed in my dissertation a week ago today so the last 3 months have been trying to finish uni as well as look after my little girl. I didn't really have many friends during the pregnancy and am now feeling lonely and lost. I was speaking to my OT on Tues and she was saying about 3 months pp new mums tend to go through a bit of an identity crisis. This is the point where you kinda just go oh 💩 I'm a mum. It's a big adjustment and if you don't have many people in the same boat it definitely gets harder I'd love to connect and meet for play dates if you're down

If youre in the Chelmsford area or nearby, feel free to msg me as I feel exactly the same way...big hugs 🤗

🩷 Hope you're okay. It's tough. Try reaching out to family or friends, I'm sure someone can help. It is a lonely time. I barely leave the house anymore 😞

I understand - I feel very similar. If you want to exchange numbers and chat, please let me know. Not sure where you’re based but I’m in the West Midlands xx

I can feel the same sometimes but getting out and about each day really does help, haven't made any mum friends yet but it's nice just to speak to people. Not sure where you are based but there's probably other things with other mum's you can do even if you don't make friends it's nice to chat to people in the session. Try swimming or baby massage maybe or your local library and children's centre should have free groups you can go to. Maybe post your location and I'm sure there's someone on here who's nearby and can help. Don't feel alone all us mum's around the country are going through the same thing feel free to reach out for a message if you just want a chat x

Gosh this sounds very familiar! I know exactly how you feel. I also feel guilty for feeling lonely because I love my LG so much and wouldn’t change her for the world. I’ve struggled making mum friends too. I've been to one baby class but like you said, people stick to their groups and don't let you in. I'm in Colchester, Essex. If you live close to me please drop me a message as i'd love to meet up or if not, we can always chat on here or exchange numbers :) xx

I’ve definitely been feeling it this week. My daughters been quite poorly so haven’t even been going on our daily walks! I’m sorry you all feel the same way! I was told maternity leave can be lonely but I underestimated how much x

I could've written this myself, it's not easy to make friends the older you get I have no idea why . I've gone to a group but I joined too late they all have made friends and I just feel like I'm out of place xx

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