Pregnant with a twonager!

Is there anyone else pregnant with a two-year-old/toddler? How are you coping? I feel like this pregnancy is so different to when I was pregnant with my little boy..I could relax if I felt tired but there’s no chance of doing that with a toddler bouncing on my head 😂😂
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Yes I have a two and a half year old. Some days are better than others. What’s good is that he is of the age now where he can entertain himself quite well and luckily he is still doing a nap so I can nap with him when I need to. But he really does test my patience these days and I think the pregnancy illnesses are making my patience limited 😅 I’m also having to watch as he is very active and can be quite rough so I am struggling with him climbing over me and kneeing me in the tummy and when we are out I’m struggling to keep up with him as much as usual.

My daughter will be 2 in a few months and honestly it’s hard work 😂 my daughter is generally an ‘easy’ child who can entertain herself for the most part however, she does love a tantrum and has a lot of sass. The not being able to just nap is a nightmare too 😂

My son is 2 in November, in my first pregnancy I could just nap whenever I needed to, now it needs to be timed with his but that’s almost impossible! Husband is a great help when he’s home but nausea & a toddler do not mix…

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