Announcing pregnancy?

How far along were you before you announced your pregnancy, if you have?
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I have told people at various stages… some at 6 weeks, some at 12/14 weeks. But for a wider/social announcement I waited until after the 20 week scan. Typically people will share on social after they have had their scan and end of first trimester. Though some might wait to do a gender reveal. It really comes down to you and your preference. We are hoping to tell family this weekend at almost 12 weeks but last time we waited to do it at Christmas so were 15 weeks. I’ve already told work and a friend this time. Such a mix and whatever feels right and is going to work for you and your partner. I do like sharing with people 1-1. Though anyone you know who might be struggling, it’s nice to send a message to give them a gentle heads up.

@Lauren that’s good to know. I’ve had my 12 week scan, so feel like it’s a nice time. We’ve told our social circle of close friends, and are working through work colleagues at the moment too.

This is my second and this time around we told all of the important people- close family and friends before the 12 week scan. In my first pregnancy we didn’t tell as many before and it was so lonely, also this time I felt I needed the support as I had a toddler to care for and have been feeling unwell. Now we are passed the 12 week scan I don’t mind other people knowing but I’m not doing a formal announcement of any kind yet. I’m a SAHM this time so don’t have work to tell but in my first pregnancy I told my manager after the 12 week scan and then started telling close colleagues soon after (and how my workplace was the news spread rapidly).

I told my parents at 6 weeks so that I could have their support, then told my partner's family, close friends and work colleagues at 12 weeks. I think I'll make an announcement after the 20 week scan 😊

Told my parents at 8 weeks, everyone else at 13 weeks

I was around 9 weeks x

I'm 13 weeks and sharing our news tomorrow! Eeeekkk

Told my boss and some management at 5 weeks when I found out, my dad and younger sister at 6 weeks as they're not stupid and could tell something was up and my 2 older sisters, uncle and cousin at 10 weeks when they were talking about kids at my Grandads funeral and asked if I had any planned, my sister could tell from how I was talking that something was up so had to tell them since they wouldn't drop the topic, not the best time to announce during a Funeral Wake 😬

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