We’re down to the wire! How are we Feeling?!

How are we all feeling? We are in the final piece before we meet our babies! I’m 36 weeks and it’s hard to imagine this baby is still supposed to grow for another 4 weeks! I’m so excited. I’m getting to the point of feeling as ready as I can be! Nursery’s just about done, all his clothes/sheets are washed, my go bag is pretty much ready, and for the most part much have everything we need for him at least to get started. I’m just ready to meet him! Trying not to stress too much about giving birth (really just trying not to think about it 😂) I have a birthing class tomorrow. I think at this point it’s just a combination of excitement and anxiety!
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I have 19 days left and just felt the sharpest pain piercing my choocha🙃

I'm excited but in so much pain. My pelvic is trying to separate... this will be the 1st baby that won't go 40 weeks maybe getting induced next week because of the pelvic pain.

Stressed all the time and having breakdowns about what I am gonna do financially once baby is here. Thankfully all her stuff is done, nursery and bag is packed! Have to finish my bag but other than that we are ready

My world got turned upside down twice now and I am anything but ready like I have plenty of boy clothes and bedding for him but I didn’t end up moving like I thought so I’m still staying at my dads in my tiny childhood room with my bf and 20 month old toddler and soon him too 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think I’ll try living in the basement for extra room till I finally get some progress on this move that’s supposed to happen but sadly it looks like my postpartum will once again take place here with my dad lol I’m stressing stressing but tomorrow is my birthday so I’m going to take a break from thinking for 24 hours lol

@Sonja Happy Birthday Sweetheart don't stress everything will work out greatly for your family

I'm mostly tired and sore. Ready for baby to be outside my body but I still have 5 Weeks left. My baby shower is the weekend after this one. I haven't finished the nursery. I have nothing for baby but furniture. I've spent the last 2 weeks trying to get my new dog acclimated to being in my house. Idk everything just feels like souch right now.

Feeling super anxious but excited at the same time! I started planning for baby early so I am ready for her, just getting a few things unboxed and set up. She’s in our room so we have limited space. I originally wasn’t going to open everything until a few weeks before her arrival. Well, today I was told they anticipate inducing labor next Friday at 37 weeks so it’s definitely crunch time for me. I really wanted a September Virgo baby but she will most likely be an August Leo ♌️ but that is the least of my concerns. I’m just praying she is healthy and delivery goes smoothly🙏🏾💕

I have 5 weeks left and I pretty much have everything just like you. The only other stuff for me to get now are just random optional things but we have everything we need to get her home safely! The nursery is done but I’ve thought about switching certain decor pieces which is not really important or mandatory. I’m ready for her to come on out because my body is definitely at the uncomfortable point.

I've been meal prepping like crazy so I don't have to cook so much when he gets here. My back is killing me, as are the rest of my joints. But overall I'm OK. Just hormonal and excited to meet him soon. I'll be 36 weeks on Wednesday 😊

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