It’s not about the hours, it’s what they charge for, so the gov funds only cover minimal costs so for example it might cost £10 per hour for a place but the gov will only pay a nursery £3 per hour so the nursery have to make up the £7 costs another way…my daughters nursery break down the additional costs though as for food, trips etc etc £893 seems really high though, what area do you live in? X
It’s never totally free… food, consumables etc… The 30 hours is also term time only, so the other weeks are spread across the year. How much has it come down?
Yeah so depends on the nursery. My nursery only let me use free hours between 9 and 4.30. Then charge full price for hours outside that. They also charge per am and pm session. That seems a lot though, so I would just ask them for a breakdown of costs so you know what you're paying for and can dispute anything you feel shouldn't be included.
@Sadeka I live in Bedford and yes I thought £893 was high too even with food costs.
@Emma it came down from £1019.18. So we would only be saving around £124 I thought we were going to save a lot more. My daughter does 4 half days and 1 full day which is why it was only £1019.18 but her 15 hours was included with this.
@Emma I'm defo going to give them a call on Monday and ask for the breakdown cause I was so shocked to see the amount of £893. I'm going to ask them to explain the invoice to me as well.
You need to speak to the nusery. It also depends on what hours in the day she does because I'm sure they only fund hours between like 9 and 3 or something