Water wipes and Huggies pure water wipes. My daughter had such bad nappy rash using Aldi mamia wipes, I found them to be so rough.
Water wipes only, we tried alternative cheaper brands but just didn’t compare to water wipes. We now buy in bulk on Amazon to make it slightly cheaper
Aldi mamia wet wipes
Amazon mama bear amazing and so cheap!
We’ve gone for mama bear from Amazon. My sister in law recommended them after just having our little niece so 🤞🏼x
Pampers Aqua pure, a lot of the wipes have gone downhill since becoming plastic free unfortunately but these seem to be the most similar to the ones that used to have plastic in x
Amazon Mama Bear. Only wipes my baby does not react to... So soft and so cheap
F&F from Tesco
We have used a variety and they all do the same job but our favourite are supermarket own water wipes as they are cheaper than the branded ones. Boots and Lidl are the ones we get most x
Amazon Mama Bear
Water wipes when babies, then I moved to little angels (Asda) xx
Amazon mama bear or ones from TikTok shop
Water wipes, Mamia both good