It could be a lot of things but I think it could be that he is trying to apply pressure on you by crying to get into the same bed as you and if it works every time than I think he will keep doing the same. I moved my bub to his room when he turned 7 months, so he actually didn’t realise the change much. Another thing could be that he is actually hungry. Mine is 15 months old and still wakes up for a big bottle of milk at the middle of the night, so I guess he gets hungry. I will try to go cold turkey with the bottles from 19th months. If you think that he is not settling in his room without you, you can probably sleep in his nursery for a week and then gradually he might settle in. I have a portable folding mattress for my son’s nursery and I sleep on it when he is sick just to monitor him better.
Thanks for the tips! ❤️ Luckily his room is big enough that we have a single bed in there for when he gets older. I might have to start laying in that bed with him when he wakes up and move him into his cot when he falls asleep next to me. I’m also going to see if offering him a sippy cup of milk or a little snack when he wakes up will help at all.
A bit more context he usually self-soothes with a dummy and comforter for naps and to go to sleep.