A year since I found out

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I found out I was expecting my little girl and now she is going to be 4 months next week! How far along were you when you found out? I was 3w5d
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Tomorrow, it’ll be a year since I found out! It’s so crazy how quickly it’s gone and how much my life has changed (for the better!) I thought I was 4 weeks but I was actually 3 weeks. I still remember looking at the test with the faintest of lines thinking it was a dodgey test 🤣x

@Ellie I had just finished a 14 hour shift and was coming hom for a pint but decided to do a test instead as I was late. I showed my partner the test and he thought it was an ovulation test and he was getting lucky😂 x

It was my year anniversary on the 5th! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by x

I was about 5 weeks pregnant when I found out, it was the 12th September. It was 3 days before my partners graduation. He was so excited and told his cousins straight away. My little girl was due May 2nd but born April 27th

I found out on 02/08/23 at 3 weeks + 3 days x

Tomorrow it will be a year, my son was born at 38+6, so he's already 4 months

It will be a year on the 15th for me! We had ivf so was meant to test on the 17th but I thought I’m just going to see as felt like I was getting period cramps but now I’m holding my beautiful baby girl!! Can’t believe how quick it’s gone

It’ll be a year for me tomorrow, it’s made me so emotional 🥲🥲

Found out on the 30th Aug in Bali. Probably 4-5 weeks. Didn’t have my dating scan until I got back to Australia. What a mad journey that all was.

Gosh that’s flown by! A week today til it’s been a year. I took a test because I was going to a friend’s wedding in Ireland (drink galore) and it had been a few months since the last test. I was between nightshifts so I thought I was seeing things. We were mid fertility tests and our referral for fertility support was meant to be finalised the next day. We don’t know exactly how far along I was as my last period was almost 6 months prior but likely 4 weeks. The midwives thought I was a concealed pregnancy at first and I was much further along 😅 Baby tank is now 4 months 🥰.

Omg! A year ago today at 3 weeks and 4 days (11dpo) and my baby girl is now 16 weeks tomorrow. My little 🌈💗 after 3 MCs. She was definitely worth the wait 🥰❤️

Found out a year ago today and I was 3w3d, and she is 4 months old next Friday 🥰

Year ago on the 22nd of August which happens to be national rainbow baby day. I was 5 weeks. We were TTC for years, I’d had a miscarriage in the January and had just been referred for fertility treatment. For whatever reason that month I decided not to test, I’d spotted a couple of days earlier and was convinced it was my period. I’d spent hundreds on early detection tests and was so upset about the constant negatives. We were going away with our friends that weekend and my partner said “just take a test” (to see if I could drink or not) i couldn’t believe it & I still can’t believe I’m a mama ♥️

I was thinking the same on the 6th :) i was 1-2 weeks apparently but I'm 90% sure she was conceived on the 16th of July lol

I was about 5 weeks

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I was exactly 4 weeks pregnant when I found out

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