Birthing plans!

Hey ladies! I’m due in six weeks with my first daughter & I am putting together a birthing plan.. For those of you who had birthing plans, did it go to plan?😆 && is there anything you think I should consider putting on there that may help me🤷🏻‍♀️ Time is fast approaching😱so checklists have officially come out😫🙃 ❤️❤️
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I would suggest the basics it might not go to plan and if you have your heart set on one thing and have to change something for yourself or baby girls safety could become stressful for you. Best plan is to do what is best for you and baby girl and go with what she wants when she's coming. I mean with only six weeks to go it's a little late to plan a home/water or c section ( I would think) But all I had in mine was type of birth, what pain relief you want if any (can always change this as labour goes on) and that I wanted to delay cord clapping and for my partner to cut the cord xx

Hey!! Congratulations😘 From someone who really thought I needed a birthing plan, don’t waste your time stressing over it! Trust me, when you’re in the moment you will know what you want/don’t want and you really can’t plan for these things - what will be will be😊xx

I had lots of plans about having music, relaxing stuff and I found out that once I was in labour I didn't care about any of that. 😅 Was too focused in the contractions. I didn't have any set plan for pain relief, just kept an open mind. I tried gas and air which made me instantly sick, and from there went to the epidural which I was quite happy with. I also wanted to do the delay cord (I think most places do it now) and when I saw they were about to cut it, or asking my partner to do it, I asked for the delay cord and they said it had already been like 5 minutes! It felt like seconds. I think having an open mind is the main thing. You'll be great!

I was never given a birthing plan but when asked I said whatever has to happen to get baby here safely but ideally no epidural due to pre existing spinal issues. Ended up having an emergency section and having to have one but because I’d not set my heart on anything I coped with it if that made sense. If I’d had a set plan of this this and this I think I’d have panicked but you do what you feel is best just always keep in your mind it’s not always in your control x

I didn’t really have a firm plan as so much can change so I wanted to be flexible in the moment, which is just as well because I ended up being induced. I did think about the ladder of pain relief I wanted (not that I ended up using any and you can change this in the moment). I also stated that I didn’t want to know how dilated I was unless I asked because if it was a longer labour I personally wouldn’t find it motivational to know i’d only progressed a small amount. I did think I’d have music but it was very early in the morning so I just dozed through my labour instead. Other than that drinks and snacks 😄 as well as talking to my partner about what I wanted from him x

i had a birthing plan on my notes but i just vocally told my midwife on the day and told my birthing partners so they could advocate for me if i couldn’t! everything went to plan thankfully! id recommend looking into vitamin k that they give babies after birth x

I wrote a ‘birthing preferences’ plan and found it really helpful. Not everything went to plan but it meant I thought about what I wanted ahead of time, and also my partner was clued in, so I could concentrate on the labour once at the hospital. Also I put things like, I want the placenta injection, I want baby to have the vitamin K injection, I want to try breastfeeding and then the midwives just knew all that without me needing to tell them in the moment.

Mine went to plan! Without knowing you personally I don’t know which phrases would help you personally. I know the putting a hat on the baby in the small hours of their life affects you smelling them & getting that oxytocin high for breastfeeding, so maybe don’t do that imo. My husband kept listening to the midwives about that so baby ended up with some ugly little hat in all the pictures 🙃 Best thing to do imo is to learn about the ins and outs of birth eg through antenatal classes then you know what to expect in all instances. From physiological uninduced unmediated birth through to c sections and surgery recovery.

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