Growth scan

Hey all! So I have a growth scan on Friday at GY hospital as baby girl has slow growth from my last MW appt, what does it entail? Do they see you after or do you get results a few days after… and how long does it usually take! My anxiety is quite bad as I have to go alone as my partner is working away that day. Has anyone got any tips or had experience of growth scans and was everything ok etc xx
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I had growth scans every two weeks after my 20 week scan. If it wasn’t too busy it was quite quick. I was always seen by the consultants after as I was on consultant care not midwife. They just do measurements of everything and check the blood flow to the placenta. If you have any questions just ask xx

Oh hopefully I’m not there all day then… that’s good I can actually speak to a consultant after so I can ask questions if need to! Thankyou x

I had growth scans regularly in my pregnancy, didn’t seem to take that long, I got the results there and then that baby was growing, I didn’t see a consultant at each growth scan tho but baby was growing,

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