Are you in US or UK?
I'm self employed and unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to take more than 3/4 months financially. I will try to work a couple of days here and there maybe after 3/4 months but it'll be completely dependant on the work available and if that works. Good luck
I'm in UK and I'm entitled to 1 year maternity leave but only 39 weeks are paid. X
Depends where you are based and if you have support. I’m UK based and took 10m maternity leave and topped it up with my 6 weeks of annual leave so I was always paid. I also made sure to utilise all the work KIT days
UK - taking the full year and will return the week of LG's first birthday. Teacher mat pay is 4 weeks 100% pay, 2 weeks 90%, 12 weeks 50% + smp, then 21 weeks on smp - and no holiday accrued. However, I'm taking Shared Parental Leave to 'get' holiday entitlement. I ended my mat leave at the start of the summer holidays and so am on full pay for these 5½ weeks. I then go back on leave (ShPL) September to start of Christmas holidays, when I 'return' for the 2 weeks break on full pay, back on leave January to Feb half term, 'return' that week, then back on leave until March. I'll only have 4 weeks where I have 0 income as a result and an extra 8½ weeks on full pay (but during the school holidays so I don't actually have to work).
I WFH as well and my leave was about 5 months. 3 months full pay and the last 2 half pay. For US standards I was lucky but it definitely wasn't long enough.
I'm in the UK on a very cushy package where I mostly WFH. I got 9 months full pay, 3 months unpaid and then I took an extra few months of annual leave. I was off for 15 months total with each of my two.
I work for the nhs I was entitled to 9 months paid mat leave and 3 months unpaid. I chose to spread the 9 payments over 12 months and took a year then I’ll add some annual leave on the end so probably take about 13-14 months off
I also WFH and my maternity leave was 6 months paid.
In Canada, we get up to 18 months (if not self-employed). The actual benefit from the program is significantly reduced if it is spread our over 18 months (we only get 55% of our income if taking 12 months. It goes down to like 35% or something mathy that I can't do if we take 18 months). Yes, 3 months is far too short. And I feel for mamas in the US (if that's where you are from) because that is not enough time to form a bond with, get the hang of breast feeding, etc with your LO. If you are brave, you should definitely advocate/negotiate for more time...
I’m going to have around 14 months including around 8 weeks annual leave
12 weeks in dc 🥲
I’m taking the year. I get 6 months full pay, 3 months statutory and 3 unpaid x
DC with 6 weeks from company partial pay + 12 weeks DC leave paid + 4 weeks FMLA unpaid = 5.5 months, ends up about 6 months with some holidays and PTO in there. I definitely think I needed more than 3 months and took the max I could, and 6 months feels like it will be a better time to start back.
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I decided on 9 months however ended up with almost 11 after days before due to go back to work we were all in a bad car crash even after 11 months I didn't feel like it was long enough. I personally don't think any amount of time will feel enough. I work in a school so don't get any leave to use.
I had 18 weeks total but I never went back to work
You’re allowed to take the full 39weeks paid maternity, and to take it to 52 weeks of maternity the last three weeks would be unpaid.