6/7 month old not sitting

Does anyone else's bub not want to sit or is it just mine?! Everytime i position her to sit (me sitting behind her), she instantly arches her back and falls back to me. She shows no interest to sit and will start whinning and instantly lean back onto me! I cannot get her to sit, not even for a second without her arching her back. Anyone have the same problem or any advice?
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To be fair, developmentally they are more likely to sit after they start crawling. So I wouldn't stress yet. đź’› there's no need for her to sit if she doesn't want to. If you're concerned there's a medical reason she won't sit then definitely chat to your GP.

My son didn’t actually ever sit properly, wasn’t interested in it. On the other hand, My daughter has been sitting up since 5 months but she only started after she was crawling So I think every kid is different and will do it in their time

It’s all about core strength, sitting will come naturally with that so I encourage tummy time primarily. You can also do little sit ups with them. So when baby is lying down, grab their hands and make sure they’re engaged (talk to them) go to slightly lift them up by their hands, make sure they engage their neck and core muscles and then you can pull them up into a seat before picking them up. Don’t do this if baby’s neck is hanging back at all and not engaged. Also this really depends on where they’re at with their core, it might be best to start with them on an incline first, like laying on your legs with your legs bent at 45 degrees, so it’s less of a distance to upright. You can also practice with a large soft ball or exercise ball, placing baby on their stomach and whilst holding them, gently tilting them forwards/backwards and side to side. This will naturally engage their different core muscles.

No mine hasn’t either saw her paeds dr yesterday he said can be normal 6-8months

Sitting in front of a mirror may help as bub will see you’re sitting behind them! :)

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