Anyone else past their due date?😓

I’m 40+2 today. Really going through it. Been having severe headaches everyday not even panadol+codeine seems to help(not pre eclampsia we have ruled that out). I have absolutely no sign of labour. Haven’t lost the mucus plug, belly hasn’t dropped, cervix still closed!! Delusioned myself into thinking he would be here in JULY lmao. Anyone else struggling past the due date?
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I went over my due date. Didn’t experience the headaches, but the pressure from the world to get baby here was headache-inducing! Some babies just take their time. Due date is a rough estimate. My lesson was that if your care team is confident that baby is ok, just take it easy and trust that your baby will arrive when they’re ready. It won’t be long now. If you’re looking for something to get things going though, I found acupuncture was the thing for us. I tried a lot of things. Though looking back I probably would have just left it alone ❤️

I’m also 40+2. I got a membrane sweep at my 40w appt but I don’t think it did anything except make me lose my mucus plug. I was also disillusioned into thinking baby would come in July 🤣

Most babies come between wk 40 and 42..due date is just an estimate

41 weeks today. Went for a sweep yesterday but nothing has happened since then. Booked in for an induction on Sunday. Very nervous 🙈

i'm 40+4 today . Cervix still fully closed she couldn't even do me a stretch and sweep , no mucus plug and baby is back to back (takes longer to go into labour) i feel it's more mentally and physically challenging. Im struggling to accept that i will have to be induced monday as i really was relying on my body for a natural birth still got the weekend to go 🤞 Hope your feeling better and baby makes a safe arrival. I'm taking this time to soak in last bits of alone time , plenty of naps and plenty of pamper / baths !🩵

I was 40+1 last week ( delivered a day after my due date🎉🎉🙏🏾💃

@aimee wishing you safe delivery

@Priyanka wishing you safe delivery

I’m due today and I’m the same as you in terms of nothing happening and his position but I’m quite relaxed about it (mostly just a bit meh about the fact that the later he is the less time I have with him on mat leave)

41+2 here 😔 still no sign of baby. No complications and FTM. X

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