@Becky it’s super difficult isn’t it! I was 5 days late last month and I was sure I was pregnant but it wasn’t to be. Never in a million years did I think I’d ever have any problems getting pregnant x
@Jade i was the same last month i had allll the symptoms, sore boobs, cramps etc but then my period arrived. I've always been super regular and knew when i was ovulating etc. I'm just so impatient and everyone around me seems to be falling pregnant on the first try😢 x
Struggling to conceive baby no.1 it will be 3 years in October 😭 no reason why I can’t conceive but I’ve to get my bmi down to 29/30 to get further testing done
On month 5, feeling the same ❤️
We're also struggling for baby no2. Although we've only been trying for 2 months it does seem like it isn't going to happen. My period came a whole week early this month😢 x