Peanut reaction?

Hi all, my 7m baby has had this reaction when eating peanut. Does this look like hives? It does to me but he’s had peanut quite a few times (maybe 10 tiny bits of it) with no reaction although today I put more into his food
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Using eczema cream helps a lot Msnj if you want more information 💖🥺🎀

Yes this looks like hives. Similar to what my boy had when he reacted to dairy and egg. I’d stop feeding and speak to GP!

Could it be something else you gave him anything new? My lg is 9 months and has had allergy testing and I’m still finding new foods that bring her out in hives, even full free from foods and certain vegetables and fruits. I would go to your gp and get on the list for some testing as it took 4 months for my appointment to come through xx

Thanks all, he had had everything else before multiple times with no reactions. Had our allergy test appointment yesterday and confirmed egg, wheat, peanut and almond allergies! Suspected milk too so we have to go back for an observed introduction of milk 🤯

@Emily sorry to hear that! Feel free to message me if you want to chat as I’ve found it’s been a rollercoaster managing allergies etc.

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