Is reality hitting for people yet ?

Hey gurlos, I'm 21 weeks now and I feel just this week reality is starting to hit that life is going to change and that I don't really have much control over that change or more of a little fear of the unknown is coming. I'm looking forward to it don't get me wrong but I'm also starting to feel a bit unsettled and restless. Like waiting to start a big new job but for the moment you can't do anything . Can anyone relate ? It's my first baby FYI
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I'm just coming up on 20 weeks and having twins! (My first) it's slowly starting to sink in that life will be very unpredictable for the next couple of decades! 😅 I'm trying to rest/take quality time to ourselves as with my husband as much as possible. Summer is so busy with social invites that I've consciously taken a step back now as find not having much time at home overwhelms me more. I'm just waiting for the gender scan to start properly nesting but I definitely feel you!

I feel like I'm back to front the first 20 weeks I have been a nervous wreck thinking how things are going to change, now I'm 21 weeks almost 22 and I am soooooo excited! I seen a tiktok of Christmas baby outfits and I got emotional thinking that's going to be us this year 🥺 I just can't wait till they are here now xx

Totally! This is our first baby too and I think it feels real for the first time because I can feel him moving now, and because I’ve finally started preparing for him by painting the nursery this week. I definitely get what you mean about feeling restless, my attention span is about 30 minutes at the moment, it’s super frustrating! 🤦‍♀️ I feel torn because part of me just wants to chill and enjoy being pregnant, I always thought I’d hate it but actually it feels really special and peaceful having our son growing inside me. But on the other hand I just want him in my arms NOW so I can know he’s safe… but also I’m nowhere near ready and am starting to panic that no way am I a proper enough adult to look after a baby and I keep discovering/thinking up new things to worry about! 😂 You’re so right that it feels like starting a new school or job, but so frustrating because you can’t just go to bed and wake up tomorrow and go get it done!

Husband and I are just trying to work through it a few days at a time, ticking off little milestones like each appointment/scan or different things we’ve got ready for him, so we can feel like we’re doing something useful! x

I even have time off work right now and like have so much to do but can't seem to do anything. Like in a state of freeze. I want to do everything and am torn like you said between relaxing and reading my book and suddenly wanting to rip the carpets up and put new ones in. I also am a bit afraid of how I will feel post partum. Like will I mentally manage. To then thinking millions of women have done this and we are designed to do so ! Like WTF ! 😂

Ohhh that's me right enough, I have loads of things on my to do list and feel now I am passed half way running out of time 😂 my partner is very laid back so that doesn't help either! Tho things are starting to move in the right direction with knowing the colour we want the nursery 😂 xx

This is my second baby and the nerves have definitely kicked in on how I’m going to manage a 2 year old and a newborn. I’m just trying to prepare my boy as much as possible to try and make it easier for both of us once baby girl is here. But I’ll only have my husband’s help for the first week and then I’ll be solo as he’s self employed. Starting to sink in just how much work it’s going to be so I’m trying to get as much rest as I can 😂🙈

I feel exactly the same. My first baby too and I've always wanted children but saying and doing are 2 different things. I'm excited to meet him but terrified of the unknown of my new life.

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