@Kay yeah we are going away in the second week of September but I still wanted to get him something for his actual birthday.
Men are like kids maybe organise a karting activity with his mates for him
Then you can get him anything and everything car and golf related . My husband is into cars as well and all he ever really ask for is more car tools. He’s a huge Honda fan so I got my husband a $100+ vintage Honda jacket 😅 But I also get him other things that he also have interest in such as funko pops, anything horror (like Chucky), clothing, ect,.
My boyfriend is like that too and his birthday is beginning of October so I got a hotel and I plan on decorating it all romantic and finding something sexy to wear that allows my bump to breathe since I will be 36 weeks on his birthday with dinner and a movie
Have you thought of a weekend gateway just the 2 of you maybe a spa hotel or a cottage somewhere