induction of labour cramlinton hospital

has anyone been induced on here at cramlinton hospital due for induction soon and want to know about other peoples experiences as i have no clue what to expect
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I did last year. They rang me on the day to tell me when to go in. When I came in I was in the birthing room and then waited to be seen to. I got given the gel and it broke my waters and then not much happened (just was being checked to see dialation) until about 10pm when they gave me the oxytocin drip. My contractions started and were very painful I asked for epidural. Then went from 6cm to 9 in an hour and then pushed for an hour and baby came. I went in on a Wednesday and baby came on Thursday and was going home on Friday

It was lovely to have a private room, some of the midwife’s are amazing but please remember if you are not comfortable with anyone, ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF. Your labour deserves to be the way you want it to go and you deserve respect love and care. Most of the midwife’s I had were amazing but I did have 1 who wasn’t very nice, comforting, respectful or caring and it made it very stressful. If I’d thought about asking for a new one I would have. I was lucky she was only on shift for the first few hours of my induction and when shift change hapoened before my actual labour started I was gifted with the most amazing midwife. You are allowed to make changes if your not comfortable, your allowed to question decisions being made, your allowed to ask for what you want. Take pleanty of hydration for throughout your labour and snacks for after. This is your special day. Also if you haven’t already look into your pain relief and what you want and when you want it. I didn’t do this and I wish I had

@Estera how did you find the induction in itself was it painful when you were given the gel were they gentle?

@ashleigh so the gel wasn’t too bad it wasn’t comfortable though, I did have gas & air if I needed it which I ended up using everytime they were checking to see how dilated I was

@Shannon did you have to ring up on the date they gave you or did they ring you as ive been told to ring them on the day and wait for an answer she told me they would most probably say they are busy

@ashleigh when I had my induction I didn’t have to do either. My back waters had broke but my front handbt and I had group b strep so I had to be induced to get baby out as there was a big risk if he stayed in any longer. I was already 2cm dialated but I’d been that way for 3 weeks. They had to pop my waters and put me on the oxytocin drip but I’d don’t have the gel or the pessery because they could break my waters already xx

I was given the gas and air when they checked to see my dialation and when they popped my waters. After my waters broke my contractions got more painful and at that point the midwife told me I should just get the epidural then before they started the drip because she didn’t think I’d cope once the drip started. My epidural worked amazing and i felt no pain, just the pressure and was allowed to keep the gas and air for that. I did have to get cut and when they were getting ready for that I could feel pain so they gave me a local anaesthetic and I felt absolutely nothing. I was more concerned about pooping while I pushed

I did was honestly fine you get your own room & the birthing room is nice midwifes are canny

I've had 2 inductions. Last one was 2022. Rang up in the morning to check they weren't too busy. Headed down at 11ish. Got my room at 12. Had my waters broken by 1pm (they've got to do a scan first) wasn't progressing much so put on the drip around half 3, it wasn't too painful. I asked for some gas & air around 5ish as it was getting quite intense but I only had it for a little while before pushing. She was born at 6:33pm. I drove us home the next morning at 10am. They did offer same day discharge but as I was driving I wanted some sleep first x

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