Anyone feeling sensitive to comments / other’s ideas about when to “announce”?

When did everyone else / plan to announce their baby? Even though I’m only 6 weeks, I feel like I’m not “properly pregnant” and comments like ‘it’s still early days’ and it’s ‘very early on’ I find upsets me and gets me down. We have told close friends and parents but I don’t want to announce to too many people pre 2nd trimester in case we have to tell everyone sad news but I also want to enjoy it and not hide it? Xxx
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Going to wait until the 12 week scan. I have told one friend but aside from that nobody knows yet

I am exactly the same! 6 weeks here too. Ours came as a complete surprise, so it took a while to wrap our heads around it, I have decided to tell my parents and some people at work as my duties will have to change and I get the same "obviously you can't be that far along" or "we'll have to adjust your responsibilities, not now, but..." and it makes me feel like I dreamt the entire thing... and being in the most vulnerable period of the pregnancy, I'd argue to change my work as soon as possible to avoid any harm. I am lucky to have supportive parents who are really excited, but I haven't even told my friends yet as they live in a different country and we don't see each other that much. I might be holding off until the second trimester to tell them and the rest of my colleagues. So I do get you, it's such a big deal to us, as our lives are changing completely and it can be hurtful when others are that dismissive, like it's not a big deal just because it's so early....

@Gabija totally get all of that. Thank you xx

Yes!!! I feel I already have a bump (I know is mostly bloating) but people say it’s the not baby/ it’s only a seed but I feel so attached and connected to it xx

I have told everyone at work as I work in care so had to be put on lighter duties and I keep being sick at work! We told close family and friends also!

@Laura how many weeks are you? X

@Holly I'm only 7+4 but 2nd baby

@Dominika thank you so much x☺️

@Laura me too! I just look very bloated 😂 x

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