Late period negative tests

My cycle has been solidly 35 days since we started TTC other than one month where it was 40 days in Jan and I had the heaviest period I've had in a LONG time. Last cycle was 29 days and I'm currently on cycle day 44, so almost 10 days late for my period but I'm still testing negative. Has anyone had a positive test later than this or is it likely I'm just having a late period?
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Do you track ovulation at all? Its likely you ovulated later and so your period will come later. Most people have the same luteal phase length each month, it's just the follicular phase that changes length

@Charley yup this! You can’t trust the app predictions. You need lh tests and ideally temp to tweet mine when you ovulated and when you’re due on exactly.

I've just started taking my temp so that should help hopefully

@Beth did you find out the right way to do it and everything? Hope this doesn’t come off rude, just know I didn’t have the right guidance starting out.

@Aphrodite I think so! I watched a couple of videos on how to do it so fingers crossed I'm doing it right

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